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[1.2.1] Global conenction settings take precedence

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I am globally in passive mode (set in connection options) and active (direct connection) in a local LAN hub (set in its favorite hub properties). The problem is, whenever I try to connect to a passive user in the LAN hub, ApexDC++ doesn't even try and thinks it can't do that because both of us are passive. That's just not true since I am active in this particular hub and my tag states it as well. Plus, other passive users in this hub are able to download from me without problem.

Please fix that, it's really annoying.

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I looked through the relevant code real quick just now... and can't really see a case where global settings would be preferred if hub specific settings are available. Well except for one, but that has to do with uploads not downloads. Although I may have missed something.

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Well, you can still try it yourself ;)

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This bug persists in 1.2.2.

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I guess it could be because Apex doesn't contain StrongDC++ fix from June.

Could be I am behind with the merges big time 1.2.2 was just "something, for now" type of release not even built against my current latest/working sources but selectively, and quickly (believe it or not), from 1.2.1.

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