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I don't even know if it is a good idea. But I hope yes.

An option to not be able to share files with doubled extension ending in exe (*.avi.exe, *.mp3.exe etc).

And a filter for them - so if someone else using other client shares them, I will not be able to download/see them in search result or file list.

This option should be enabled by default but I should be able to disable it if I am OP in some hub and I want to search for ".avi.exe" files...

Please note that many of this viruses are ddos tools and they affect everybody, not only their hosts...

Thank you.

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I think the idea of this feature already was described somewhere in this forum.

But yes, I second it.

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I also posted this idea in "Suggest features for ApexDC++" thread by Toast, but I think it is so important that I started a new thread for it. In my case, I get sometimes THOUSANDS results for .something.exe on the hubs where I am connected to. Keep banning those users is not the best solution as some of them have dynamic IP and even so they end up by going on other hubs by redirects where I don't have access... And I noticed that PROBABLY NO ONE OF THEM is removing the virused files from share. I think that treating this problem at client level and implementing such filters would cut the "infection" from the root. And besides that, suffice to say that I know how relative easy is to make a simple yet very powerful ddos tool spreading this way...

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I am constantly kicking those users out of the hubs where I am op. At least that I can do (well, for now). Hope the developers will do something about it.

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