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Old Indain

upload pause function

4 posts in this topic

This question has been asked before I am sure but, would it be to much to add a pause feature for uploads as well as the one currently for downloading?

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Downloads have a pause feature, go to download queue select priority -> paused.

For uploads no pausing will be made...

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Downloads have a pause feature, go to download queue select priority -> paused.

For uploads no pausing will be made...

Ha .....was kinda afraid of that....yeah I know we can pause the downloads, there are times when i have need of pausing the uploads also.....So I guess it's the time tried method, shut the client down and restart.


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if it can be implemented, it could be useful to allow a short pause but controlled.

for example, we are not allowed to pause more than 10-15 minutes / day ...

in case we need a short pause to upload something faster using other software.

why not if it can be done properly and i can not cheat ?...

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