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Where does Apex save the search results?

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Sometimes I want to save the search results from ApexDC++, but I cannpt find the temp file where Apex stores them.

I want to do this because often I find lots of new leads that I might be interested in, but there are too many to download at the same time or to write their names in a txt document. Also, users tend to change their queue and searching again wouldn't get the same leads as the first time.

Imagine that your search returns 10000 results and you can't download them at that moment, but instead you want at least to keep their name/path(which could give you important information about the file)/user(in order to try to ask him to share again the file that you wanted)/etc.

Any ideeas on how to save the search results(name, type,size, user, path, hub, etc.)?



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Erm, SnagIt could do, but this is an ugly way. Definitely some Export function will be useful. :)

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Thank you for the tip, Zlobomir.

Any idea if the programmer could tell us where does apex store the searchlist or if he would implement such a feature?

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