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Rigor O'Mortis

[Bug][1B4]UI Bug

8 posts in this topic

Please see the image below to understand what the bug is:


As you can see, when the toolbar is too small for all buttons to fit, the buttons that do not fit have no text on them, if accessed from the drop-down menu.

A quick edit: The Media Toolbar has the same problem, only a bit bigger: it has no icons either.

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Aha, so it goes back to the ol' DC++... I'll wait for the next DC++ then...

hahaha :blushing:

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if it is bug in all DC++ mods, it doesn't mean that it can't be fixed!

That's the spirit! :blushing:

I'll let the pic up until the next version and then delete it from the server, after the bug is sorted out.

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Surely you could just up your resolution?

I mean, if you where to make the icon's adjustable per resolution, this would mean people on low res's would have very small buttons....

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There could be an option like "Use Autoresize"

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