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Client lists updates and information

3 posts in this topic


I was wondering about the Client list that toast makes, the client can download it when i click update, i put in my settings like i want them but if i click update later when there is a new version, all my settings go away, that includes cheating descriptions (that i like to keep custom) and the action...

is there not a way to KEEP at least those two options somehow.

My idea would require each client to get a GCID (global client id) (in the clientlist) and when i modify the list it gets saved to an alternate file with the new settings and holding the GCID to match the original list so stuff does not get mixed up B)




			<Name>OP Client: ApexDC++</Name>

			<Version>^0\.[1-4]\.[0-2]$|^1.0.0( )?B[23]?$|^0\.5\.0\.26[0-9]$</Version>

			<Tag>^<ApexDC\+\+ V:%[version],%[mode],%[newhubs],%[slots]>$</Tag>




			<Supports>^MiniSlots XmlBZList ADCGet TTHL TTHF (ZLIG |GetZBlock ZLIG )?$</Supports>




			<CheatingDescription>Cheat: OP Client Detected</CheatingDescription>





			<Comment>OP Client: ApexDC++ // info: OP Client, Multisource Download, Limiting Feature, Emulation Feature</Comment>



And the alternate file:


			<CheatingDescription>Cheat: my custom string that gets used when i use %[userCS] in raws</CheatingDescription>



get it?

good idea?

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