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No connection timeout report if user is passive

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Imo these options will be very useful to OPs, the one mentioned, to OPs who are in Passive mode.

Edit: Exactly this one seems so, no passive users are reported...

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only silly ops are passive, my op rule nr 1 is "ACTIVE OR NO OP"

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only silly ops are passive, my op rule nr 1 is "ACTIVE OR NO OP"

What about silly ISPs?

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What about cases there is no other option?

P. S. There are easier ways to kill a topic. :)

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i am not trying to kill the topic, there simply are always options to become active :)

if your isp doesnt allow it, get a new isp, if your router doesnt allow it, get a new one...

there is ALWAYS a solution ;)

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Being passive is fine as long as you don't expect to download. A lot of OPs don't (other than for checking filelists) therefore it shouldn't be a terrible issue. Sometimes it's very important to get someones filelist to confirm something for another OP or whatever, and if such a situation arose I would just make myself active, but at the moment I'm not using DC to download at all, so I don't need to be active.

When I get a connection timeout message when checking a list I automatically check to see if they're in passive mode. It would be nice if the client just told you you were attempting a passive-to-passive connection, but I'm unsure if it can disguise this?

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