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Limiting Logs Size

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I think it will be good if user is able to limit the size of his logs, I hope I am not missing an existing option. :)

There may be various ways, like max. single file size (not too good), max. folder size, delete files older than X days...

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That would be ok feauture....the alpha version log writing is already very good...saving the logs in the seperate folders which are named by "month name - year" (depend on your regional/language settings). The logs will not come so large nowadays anymore...before it was on the single folder and seperate pm folder.

Maybe a option to chose the logging saving on weekly basis or monthly basis.

"delete files older than X days"

That would be nice for many user's. I keep still the old logs and delete single files manualy.

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just change the log's name property, to change from monthly to weekly :)

As for the other suggestions presented here, i will look at adding an option to do something to over sized logs, but not sure what that will be yet

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