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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. Fix: "Not enough space on disk"

    I still think there could be a solution... 1. For the adware/virus problem - just boot up Win PE, then play with the drives as you like. 2. At least for video files - the program could have an option to save them splitted, as parts with user defined size. Is it possible? Anyway, it probably should be in some "Very Advanced" section , where users will specify the exact file or filetypes, and the desired split size, if we don't predefine and fix some.
  2. Restore Last Session

    Isn't it possible to do it in the way MS Word recovers documents?
  3. Show us your desktop

    Our main coder has infected his computer with spyware? I don't say it can't happen to anyone, just the hi-techs wouldn't have to admit it. :)
  4. IPB 2.1.5 and Update

    Yep, not needed, but it gives the forums some star (like extras in hotels ). If not consuming too much of smth, why not leave it on?
  5. Some off-topic chatter

    /Off It's becoming too offtopiced topic , but I do not think all greek music sucks. F. ex, I like Antique, while being mainly a quitar/rock/metal fan. :)
  6. shared directory

    Oh, hope it is not Win 98. It behaves in a similar way, I think because of Unicode.
  7. downloads & uploads

    Yep, it is a little tricky in the beginning to remember to look for sources and free slots before to start your download. Maybe more a feature request, but why not define some limit - let's say 5 sources. Above 5 sources - green in Search. Under 5 sources - red in Search. Of cource, it depends on sources reliability, but it can be respectively connected with uptime, upload, ratio of the sources. :)
  8. problem identification IP

    Offtopic: In general, the most important conclusion is that IE SUX... Who made IE? Oh, yeah, so it is quite normal. :)
  9. Don't group results for some extensions

    Sorry if I was unclear... not all three just one, the most suitable criteria. And not insisting to be in the first versions... :)
  10. The ability to clear screens.

    Besides, why a DC++ mod not to be better than MSN or any chat program? :)
  11. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    Why not. It's nice to see Admins with some style, not some boring officials. Especially as comes to Lee, since Englishmen are famous with their business manners. Apart from joking, I suppose that some steps could be taken in sort of convincing hubsoft developpers to add such feature. Would do it, but do not know any developper.
  12. some things I would hope to see

    I'm also for it. If lack of use means that only some 10% or even 3% of the users aclually use the feature? Well, for this reason we must discontinue fire extinguishers. Generally, if smth is going to be useful to smo, without being an obstacle for another person, it should be present... It is really ugly to download a diskography (one of the strong sides of DC) and to find later that songs are with different bitrate. What is worse, the mistake is further multiplied by the people who download from you, if you do not maintain your library in top shape.
  13. send file facility

    I would also enjoy using it, if possbble. :)
  14. a trivial request

    This doen not need to be in a chat program either. It will at least automatically shrink the chat topic to al istead of asl and lead to ~50% less chat starts. :)
  15. Restart ApexDC++ automatically after crash

    Allright, I will be far more happy if it is fixed, but since it wasn't before in Peerweb, it should be hard for some reason... ;)
  16. Don't group results for some extensions

    So maybe a different limit (diff. slow speed definition) for each hub or filetype or filesize?
  17. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    Is it ONLY up to the hubsoft? I mean, if the feature requires smth from the client side, it could be added, and when some suitable hubsoft comes out, it would start working at once...
  18. Regarding emulation

    Is it suitable to add the following: 1. A user is connected with emulation to one hub, or to three hubs w/o emulation and to one hub with emulation. 2. He/she activates the transfer rate limiter. 3. A message pops up: "You are currently connected to the following hubs: "hub(s) name(s)" using DC++ emulation. Turning on Transfer Rate Limiter could reveal your client. Are you sure you want to continue? I know this looks a little Macro$hitty, but all such warnings could be done optionable (turn warnings (user tips) on/off somewhere in Settings). This is more a feature request, but because this forum is hidden, just delete if stupid. :)
  19. Restart ApexDC++ automatically after crash

    I also have the problem with cascading windows and not only with Favourite Hubs but with almost any window I minimize. Not a big deal, but I will be happy if it's worked out. ^_^
  20. Total download time in About menu

    And how does the user find out about DC++ and its mods? Help should be still limited to some acceptionable degree...
  21. Some off-topic chatter

    /Offtopic Not in the countryside. Sofia is near enough, but think for the others... /Offtopic
  22. Some off-topic chatter

    Yep, here $200 are considered as a good month's salary. Nice to see you, compatriot! Ако минаваш през Костинброд, обади се да пийнем по един натурален сок. (If you pass through Kostinbrod, make a call to drink a natural juice together.) :D
  23. smth file crashes

    I hope Crise or Lee have a better idea, I personally would not recommend simply to cut off files... Besides, I do not remember whether the a. m. problem is already solved, so if one just delete a file, things could get worse.
  24. smth file crashes

    Still, again forcing my memories, in past somebody have said smth about a file, which became larger and larger (some list or stats), and when it exceeded, I think, 1MB, the crashes start. I do not remember whether this was solved or not...
  25. colors in user list

    Maybe an icon like PC box with a key over it could be added for "OP with server"? And the color to be like the other OPs.