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The ability to clear screens.

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Basically I like to clear the chat quite often, but typing /clear all the time is rather annoying. I would like some more functionality in respect to this to be added. Firstly, (and most easily I would assume) I would like for a 'Clear' option to be added to the right-click of PMs and MCs. Also, I would an option for this to be added to the 'Window' menu. Basically, I would like to see options to "Clear All", "Clear All Main Chat", "Clear All Private Messages" and "Clear All Chatrooms". I'm not too sure as to how doable the last one would be but PWDC++ does seem to distingish between PMs and chatrooms at current though (based on the fact it does not go orange in the status bar upon a new message in a chatroom).

(Not sure as to how possible the following is:)

Furthermore, there is more functionabilty I would like to see added to the ability to "screen" windows. I would like the /clear command to have more individual features. At current PWDC++ can distingish between General text, system messages, server messages etc..(As is evident from the ability to change the colour and font of these.) I would like the ability to clear say only cat and not system messages or server messages, and viceversa. Furthermore, (again don't know how possible this is) I would like the ability to only clear non-OP (keyed so that would include [hub]bots and stuff too) that from the screen. If this is doable they would all be able to do via the /clear command. So if you type "/clear op" it will clear all non-OP messages, or "/clear chat" would leave server and system messages. Also, I would like the abilty to be able to do more than one at once (not sure how possible this would be too) so if you did "/clear chat-op" would clear all the chat but leave OP messages... or "/clear chat+op" kinda confused myself now but you are hopefully understanding anyway.

Additionally, I would like the "Clear All Private(/Personal) Messages" etc options to be in the /clear command. So you could do say "/clear allpm" or "/clear all pm". The command "/clear all" would just clear everything too.

Also what the /clear command does by default could be adjusted via some more settings (not required but useful). So it could be set to clear just hubs or just PMs, or set to clear all but OP messages by default. However, if this came into effect "/clear" would no longer (unless left on the default settings) just do what it does now, so another command would be needed, which can be anything... "/clear w" (short for window) would do.

Yet another feature I would like to see added is the ability to clear all the chat that is oder than a certain amount of seconds (or minutes I guess) so you don't lose all recent chat when the screen is cleared, just the old previously read chat. Again this could be set within the Settings for the default value. When manually doing it and wanting to clear only older messages the format could be something like "/clear 600" for 600seconds (10mins) or even "/clear 10m" depending on how it was setup.

Thanks for reading,


P.S: Damn, that was quite a long post.

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I can only add that f. ex. "wipe" is one letter shorter and much more faster to type. :) And "clear" can be used instead of "wipe w"

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I can only add that f. ex. "wipe" is one letter shorter and much more faster to type. :) And "clear" can be used instead of "wipe w"

I can see your reasoning behind this however I think the only reason it was /clear in the first place was because it's an idea copied from IRC and it's /clear within the classic clients such as mIRC. The simple answer (which I should have added to my original request) is that you an use /c wherever you would use /clear. We have /r and /f and even /w etc., so why not /c.


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Yep, really, we currently do have /c. :) Sorry. :blushing:

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Yep, really, we currently do have /c. :) Sorry. :blushing:

Nah we don't currently have /c (not in the version I'm using anyhow? :unsure: ) and it should be added in my opinion.

Anyhow, this isn't the most inportant part of the thread, it's the functionality of this command that's important really.

EDIT: I've just noticed that the "Clear chat" option is availble for PMs (and chatrooms I'd assume too), I forgot that so sorry. Anyhow, in my opinion this should be availble for main hubs too.

Edited by Greg

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Mine is Peerweb 0.41. /c cheared the MC. Checked.

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Mine is Peerweb 0.41. /c cheared the MC. Checked.

Umm... it doesn't for me... :)

Anyway, whether it is not, ensure it's in ApexDC++. :blushing:

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No comments from Lee or Crise, can one of you state your opinion and possibly of this being a feature which could be implemented?

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No comments from Lee or Crise, can one of you state your opinion and possibly of this being a feature which could be implemented?
  • /clear and /c commands will be present
  • you can enable 'clear chat' button in the peerweb dc++ settings (it should be for main chat too)
  • a list of clear chat commands in the windows menu would be decent, not sure how easy this would be

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Hmm... alright. There's quite a few things there which would be useful t implement but I'm not sure how possible they actually are.

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Hmm... alright. There's quite a few things there which would be useful t implement but I'm not sure how possible they actually are.

The seconds clearing is going to require more memory, since the program will have to store pretty consistenty how many seconds has gone by.. It's not in MSN or any chat program, so why a DC++ mod?

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Because it's useful? Just because something isn't in any other program doesn't mean it should be.

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Because it's useful? Just because something isn't in any other program doesn't mean it should be.

I meant there must be a reason for such a chat orientated feature not to make it into a popular chat program.

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The seconds clearing is going to require more memory, since the program will have to store pretty consistenty how many seconds has gone by.. It's not in MSN or any chat program, so why a DC++ mod?

However this won't be alot, since it already in the client, just checking for that won't take alot of memory.

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The seconds clearing is going to require more memory, since the program will have to store pretty consistenty how many seconds has gone by.. It's not in MSN or any chat program, so why a DC++ mod?

Besides, why a DC++ mod not to be better than MSN or any chat program? :)

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So basically we can't be innovative, alright fine. In the words of Alan Kay the computer scientist who worked on early OOP (Object-Orientated Programming):

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

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