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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. AutoUpdate

    Yes, I definitely like it. An example program is HFS server, it is really a masterpiece. ;)
  2. Connection between two passive users?

    Okey Dokey, translation here : OK, then see another example: Imagine there is a hub with active and pasive users in it. So, user in passive mode wants to see or download something from another passive user. His client (the client of the first user) asks any available user in active mode "Can I look through you, what the second passive user has?". If the active user permits, transmission begins via this active user. If not, another active user is asked. In this case the hub is not loaded at all. С поздравлением Note: It may not be necessary to ask several active users. Apex DC++ can have in its settings an option "I would like to be a ?proxy? between passive users" and a field to specify what part of his bandwidth the user would like to share. This info can be send to the hub, so the hub will manage the traffic in an intelligent way. Примечание: Можно не будет обязательно спрашивать несколько активние юзери. Апекс ДЦ++ можно имеет опция "Я согласен быть ?прокси? между пасивние юзери" и также поле для означения какая часть из скорост юзера он согласен споделить. Эта информация можеть быть прислана к хабе, так что хаб способен управлять трафик в интелигентний режим.
  3. Connection between two passive users?

    Yes, I was afraid it's so. And if we implement this feature, there will be one reason less for people to upgrade to real IPs, so we will stop Internet progress. :angry:
  4. Force rechecking of a file

    Maybe not, since there is an option "Put *.??? extension to temporary files" in most BT clients. So it is not hard to check out.
  5. InkyUK - The true naked chef!

    :) Hope it doesn't hurt too much though... :angry:
  6. TTH acting strange

    I think no, Apex just gets the TTHs in order to look for the same files at another peers, some kind of "backbone" for the multisource. Or it is one and the same TTH?
  7. Linux version?

    No, but you just strike my head with an apple! Java ApexDC++
  8. Upload band splitting

    This sentence left me with the impression that he knows all the downloaders and their speed limits.
  9. Linux version?

    Just write a new OS for the new Apex. :angry:
  10. TCP Port error

    Don't overtrust the site doing the check... Although from some time I always get the OK for both TCP and UDP. My Apex is set on port 22468 for both TCP and UDP.
  11. multidownload.... why just 10 segment?

    I do not say that 10 segments aren't enough for me. But, 10 segments may not be enough for someone else. IF the segment's number is a weak point, you just say: "Well, it's OK with me, so I don't care at all"? And my note was not intended as a criticism at all, but as a joke, see the emoticons. :)
  12. [Crash] Caused by /winamp

    It's possible that the machine is too weak, but before knowing for sure, why changing anything? I also agree Winamp is not the best, but since I can afford to run it, and for the habit, I am used to it. If we have a user with a comfortably set (for him) PC, don't call everything crap. :)
  13. Different Share for different HUBs

    As for me, it's very much to my liking, but in a previous topic we ended with the decision that the protocol is still not good enough. Additionally, with a great share, one hashing for each hub looks like a nightmare for me, and probably waste of HDD space. But you can have two instances of the program opened. This reminds me to ask for the options "Allow multiple instances" and "Ask each time" (this is current state), which will save some time.
  14. iDemon Feature Requests

    If we implement this together with the "friendly hub names" (nicks of real hub names in Favorites), Copy to PM could save some time, f. ex.: 1. Click "Copy to PM..." 2. Type 1:User_X 3. Press Enter. :)
  15. multidownload.... why just 10 segment?

    Excuse me? Then why you made SDC++ with 1+ sources? :)
  16. multidownload.... why just 10 segment?

    Hey this may be the reason for slower downloading in LAN environment, which we have discussed before...
  17. [Bug] Number of windows.

    I do not think it's a bug. The remaining tabs are normally hidden on the right. If you need to see all, set higher number of tab rows (mine is 8 on 17" monitor 1152 x 864) :
  18. iDemon Feature Requests

    I see now, well in this case it can be a useful function. Maybe if you have your own filelist open and browse to the needed folder, in the right-click menu may be included "Send path to clipboard". Or,
  19. Tray RC Options + Protection Password

    He is not lazy! He is almost the only coder for the Win version (as far as I know), and he has a right to some private life apart from school and PCs. If a feature is well defined and argumented, it is usually implemented if possible (read: if not TOO much work). You could have explained that you want "noob" protection in your very first post. Since Crise is a programmer, he automatically thinks and gives counterpoints. * I am not saying that as Crise's advocate, I'm saying that as another Bulgarian, who thinks that suspecting someone (especially a developper of a free program) in laziness is quite unpolite. ** @ifmn - Sorry, I meant no offence, just structural criticism. If you disagree, correct me please. If you like, do it on PM, I already have made a mountain out of a molehill. :)
  20. [Bug] Apex DC++ loses Share Info

    IAnd it does a re-hash when sharing the next time? Can it be done to only hide the folder from share, then on connect just to check for changes? I think that now the client does the same check on startup.
  21. [Crash] Caused by /winamp

    And why not with hardware specification? You need a really strong PC to open up Winamp 5, especially if there are other programs in use. I know by myself. :)
  22. [Support] File list TTH download failed

    And also if you are in Passive mode, you can download only from users in Active mode. To distinguish them, look for the M:A or M:P in the tag. Also you can set different nick colors in userlist for active and passive mode users.
  23. [Support] 374 Users to Download From only 3 Segments :/

    No. If you are in passive mode you can only connect to other ACTIVE users.
  24. [Support] DC++ on LAN!

    The first thing I found with Google is: http://www.epinions.com/content_1392943236 . But you are probably on the next step already, so please try to install Apex DC++ on the second PC and let us know if there is any concrete problem. If you would like to have active mode on both PCs, you'll need to forward ports, either by a software like WinRoute on the first PC, or via a hardware router (this is my advice). The router may be more expensive, but it will save power ans wearing (no need to have the first PC switched on all the time) and if you invest more, better control. P. S. The FW may be "hidden" like in Windows before SP1. So please, let us know more about your network configuration and the OS of the two PCs.
  25. [Bug] The client does not send certain characters upon login.

    Hmm, what is your Windows code page? I'm guessing that Apex DC++ is trying to send the TM as Unicode or smth like that.