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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. Right, sorry, I forgot that you were maintaining the forum... :thumbsup:
  2. Download probs after upgrade

    Try one and the same TCP and UDP ports, then try neighbour numbers. I have never fixed this with reinstall. But restart of Apex helps smts. Check ports with the the button... ah yes, have you read the guide for getting into active mode?
  3. Yes, I saw it hapeened to all testers, meaning it was not personal, and I know that you're lazy too, so problemo. :mellow:
  4. [Bug][1.0.0B5] Upload slot speed

    Seems fixed now for me, if not it probably will be in the next release based on SDC 2.11.
  5. Download probs after upgrade

    Please look at my signature and visit our TGO Support hub for online help. I am ready to check remotely your machine, if this is ok with you.
  6. Well, users are always unhappy. Happy users are usually testers (hey, what's the deal with my tester flag and this buggy forum)? :thumbsup:
  7. Multi-Part? Download Issue

    Yes, I have noticed it here in "the big Bulgarian LAN". Maybe we need to think about better chunk management - say, dynamically set chunk size depending on connection speed with the peer, or even option to ato-off of segmented downloading in case of very fast user for given file size.
  8. Bug with characters in my compilation

    Maybe you have installed some third-party cyrillization software. Flextype does awful things here in BG.
  9. please help, cant get into any hubs

    Or it is just overlooking a firewall (maybe Win XP SP 1), with exe-based permission.
  10. Does'nt send chat to ADC hubs

    Is it ONLY with DSHub?
  11. crash 1.0.0B5 (2008-01-19)

    Were you doing anything particular when this happened, what is your PC configuration? P. S. About time to do a decent bug report form.
  12. [1.0B4] Can't use B4 any more?

    Yes, I very much miss QoS @ router level now
  13. Hash Indexing without Sharing

    Cute. Do you want us to pay your internet and PC upgrades, while you are leeching? There are other reasons for this - using laptops, racks, etc., but the way you explained it was baaaad. :thumbsup:
  14. Quick nick change

    A genius has just spoiled my 9-step guide for registration. But for /dnick and /anick better have an annoying "Are you sure" dialog. :thumbsup:
  15. User Commands

    Umm, this is how some Apex users turn to the dark side and start using cheating mods just for one-two features.
  16. Yeah, it's almost the same f* sh*t down here, with too many nasty goddamn b*stards, some hubs are really damn awful place, which totally s*x. I am glad to meet a fellow from Eastern Europe with so f*cking beautiful and fine vocabulary. :thumbsup: As for ignore in main chat, usually the f*cking OPs take care, but PMs are far more annoying. P. S. Firefox has "sh*t" in its spell-checker.
  17. connection problem

    Just wait until the hub "forgets" about you. Or you might be already connected to this hub.
  18. ApexDC++ Translations

  19. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    http://www.pctools.com/ Just found it, maybe deserves attention.
  20. [1.0B4] Can't use B4 any more?

    Well, I have the mentioned B5 speed bug too. Have you tried to disable update check immediately after start and restart?
  21. Download probs after upgrade

    This sounds like the client is getting TTH info. Does this stop after some time?
  22. User Commands

    arrrgh... :thumbsup:
  23. Dynamic updates for IpGuard

    Can't we simply use a converter + PG file?
  24. Erm, we are not forcing you to do anything, we were just informing. You can freely downgrade to B4, if this really annoys you, but I do not think it's worth. Moreover, this was the first "bug" I reported some 5 years ago back in the PWDC days, so it is hard for me to believe that it is been worked on now.
  25. Huh?

    Or use "Get IP address" button, not many clients have it, so use our pride. And also checking "Update IP on startup" will never hurt, can be unchecked for static IPs tho.