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Hello Zlobomir, your nick is nearly Serbian, have you asked someone to translate you what does it mean? lol ,well, at the moment I use PeerWeb and it crashes in every 5-10 minutes, before that I used Apex which being crashed every 10-15 minutes! Now i am going to uninstall PeerWeb, than i am going to install Apex again and i will try to follow steps you said me so and I'll inform you. I don't want to use any DC client which is not based on Strong DC++ platform in a case someone advices me so! :)
I još kad bi mi neko pojasnio malo detaljnije kako da startujem GoldMemory ili memtest86 pošto sam se malo zbunio...
Pazi, ako je do memorije onda bi se to i odrazilo na neku drugu aplikaciju, ne samo na Apex ili trenutno PeerWeb koji koristim ili nisam u pravu. Samo sa njima problem imam... Sad ću da skinem GoldMemory ili memtest86 i da vidim šta je po sredi... Ovo me stvarno više smara, čak sam bio i Windows reinstalirao i isto se događa!
Kako da proverim memoriju? Istina je da sam menjao memoriju pre par dana i digao na 1 GB, a ovo mi stoji u delu vezanom za RAM... U attacment-u je slika...
Code: c0000005 Version: 0.41 Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2007-06-20 09:06:50 TTH: UCAUHQNNKV2TE65Y5Q7C2TFCIQ7QY2W3FBQWTGI ntdll!0x7C918FEA: RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ntdll!0x7C90104B: RtlEnterCriticalSection I have XP, SP2 and this problem keep annoying me all the time, I tried to reinstall aplication, I even tried to reinstall Windows in a case to solve this problem but nothing helps! Now i use PeerWeb but this aplication crashes now in every 5 minutes! This is a picture of problem on http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/3310/untitledar2.jpg , what should I do?
Stalno mi izlazi posle izvesnog vremena kad koristim Apex gde moram da ga restartujem i posle par desetina minuta opet se desi isto! Koristim onu "stabilnu" verziju 0.4.0... Evo slike problema na http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/3310/untitledar2.jpg Probao ceo reinstal aplikacije,pa se opet to desilo, pa sam skroz obrisao Apex i instalirao PeerWeb umesto njega i ovog momenta mi je opet puklo na isti način! Zaista nemam pojma šta više da radim!