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  1. Did Team Elite win?

    You remind me of American and European politicians who blame Russia for everything, trying to make the rest of the world to hate them. But you seem to be forgetting about the reason why this happens. In that case I can suggest you investigating about expression "rivalry" if you haven't been in such situation in your life before. Remember two things: You can't take down someone who is right about something. You can't take down the strong one who defend himself. If something or someone was hacked, there probably was a good reason to do so. Most likely to stop our enemy from pointing their small "guns" at us, alternatively to proof that there is a weak link in the chain. Team Elite is also a hacking team, that is correct. It seems that you are still using some of that vulnerable software. Maybe it is time to start moving to another, better, more protected software. Or you intend to use broken and abandoned YnBug forever? :-)
  2. Did Team Elite win?

    @AnOldFriend You are damn right about Team Elite being the most active team on DC these and previous days. Hublist and 3 hub softwares you are talking about are not the only projects we are currently developing, there are also many scripts, plugins and bots for DC, aswell as the best anonymization software on market, a low level programming language and antivirus database specifically for DC. Don't forget about the most crucial exploits in history of DC that we discovered. Fixes for these exploits are present in all hub softwares and clients today thanks to our team. I will even tell you more, next project will be a DC client, that is to cover the whole range of DC related products. ;-) What I don't understand though, is what you have against my team. Did anyone piss on your car last night? To me is seems obvious that you are just afraid to admit that we are the best team and developers you have met in your life. And please note, it's not me who is calling you pussy, it was you who started this thread and called yourself a weak man who is afraid of moving forward. ;-) Have a nice day.
  3. ApexDC++ 1.6.1 security update

    Thank you. Very interesting though how you managed to miss such a huge problem that was fixed in DC++ and many other clients:
  4. @
  5. Still can't connect to ADC(S) hubs

    That was easy, here is a patch: --- ./startup.lua Mon Oct 20 23:34:49 2014 +++ ./startup.lua Mon Oct 20 23:34:27 2014 @@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ function adch.DataArrival( hub, msg ) if msg == "" then - return nil + return 1 end local h = dcpp:getHub( hub ) if not h then Issue closed, this patch should be included in default startup.lua file.
  6. Still can't connect to ADC(S) hubs

    Oh ****, I found out that this happens only when ScriptPlugin is installed and startup.lua is loaded. I will take a look in the script to see what is causing this issue, be back with results.
  7. Still can't connect to ADC(S) hubs

    This forum is dead or what? If so, where do I ask questions about ApexDC++?
  8. Hi. I've always had problems connecting to ADC(S) hubs with ApexDC++, right now I'm on version x64, and again when I try to connect to below hub, nothing is happening: [15:32:16] *** Connecting to adcs:// [15:32:16] *** Connected [15:35:59] *** Connecting to adc:// [15:35:59] *** Connected System log shows me following: [15:35:59] ADC hub added (id = userdata: 000000000959F458) I'm running 64-bit version of Windows 7 with all installed updates, no viruses. When I try connecting with DC++ or FlylinkDC++, it works like a charm. What is the problem here, my settings or bug in the client?
  9. Maximum allowed nick lengths

    What kind of issue did it open up? Do you mean the HeXHub issue where following sutuation appears: // client sends a nick that is more than 40 characters long (42 in this example) $ValidateNick ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABCCDD // hub accepts client but cuts the nick to 40 characters $Hello ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABCC // client compares its own nick with the nick resulted by hub ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABCC != ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABCCDD // nicks dont match so the client hangs there waiting for correct response until the hub times out and disconnects the client ... If this is the case then I have already requested a HeXHub fix where hub disconnects the client and tells it that nick is too long. This is how all other hub softwares work, this is how NMDC works, either $Hello with same nick or $ValidateDenide. I'm using these NMDC specifications: You could make nick fields limited to 255 characters, seems a reasonable buffer size to me.
  10. Maximum allowed nick lengths

    Good morning. I've never needed this until today, and I'm sorry for my language, but why the hell are nick fields limited to 35 and 28 characters? Settings > General > Personal information > Nick < The field is limited to 35 characters. Favorites > Hub > Properties > Identification > Nick > The field is limited to 28 characters. Did anyone announce the official maximum allowed nick length for NMDC and ADC protocols? I didn't get that information. I'm running Windows 7 x86. Regards.
  11. Additional hublists

    Team Elite Hublist:
  12. Public hublist issue

    MIME-type was the case here. Thank you for help Crise.
  13. Public hublist issue

    Hi. I've been trying to understand why this XML>BZ2 hublist works in ApexDC++: (HTTP redirect) While this one, same XML but uncompressed, does not work: (HTTP redirect) The only difference between those two is BZ2 compression. Both are being given to the client same way, no MIME-type is being sent from web server. Please help me to understand. Regards.
  14. LUA setListener to chat broken?

    Same goes for ApexDC++ 1.5.1, still broken.