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Posts posted by Mikey

  1. i can connect to a public hub but not my school's hub, that means that its a problem with the hub and not me rite, my roomate is having the same problem.

    Most likely you have to connect via internal IP and not DNS addy or anything. Please check with the Admin of your campus hub for the correct address to connect to it with.

  2. Too bad its nmdc only and ynhub thats my only thought on the matter of the support hub

    It was supposed to be updated to a verlihub for better resources. Problem now is ADC 1.0 has been released and the Owner of TGO works all the time and isnt available. I would love to make it expand and help out but I'm not available to help anymore. I hope the turnout is good though.

  3. hi there,

    im connected but can't see the user list on the right anymore.

    i never had this before and do not no what to do.

    Follow the kickbar all the way to the right. Next to the average amount of share per user is a box. Checkmark that box and the list should reappear.

  4. To keep the forum tidy please refer to this thread for information on setting up a DNS updater for dynamic IP's http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=4&hl=

    As for the connection settings that is easy to find. Go into the client settings and in the box to the left click "connection settings" For information on how to set these up correctly, use the resources available at http://portforward.com

  5. You have the LAN address in the virtual server page set to instead of like the GUI instructions state to do so. Correct this and lets see what happens. :)

  6. ((-Wed-09-01-2008-22.09-))

    This is caused by a dynamic clock script within your hub that constantly updates. The only way to stop it is to mod the time the script updates or stop using the script.

    <MJDB> Sorry, connection request not processed because contains wrong IP.

    Usually this comes from the hubsoftware cause your client has stored a different IP then you are actually using. Most of the time this results from you having 1 IP and in your clients connection settings there is a totally different IP then what your real IP is. This can happen when you enter the IP incorrect in the connection settings or you have a dynamic IP and need to use a DNS with an updater.

  7. thanx for the reply, yes i am using Ptokax GUI however i am unable to find that option, i am using an old Ptokax v3.5.1, not the latest v3.6 and therefore is it an option in the latest version. Much appreciated.

    Well it can be done in that version to. If you updated to v3.5.2 you will have that option and even v3.6.0 is a stable version. I think if you want to remedy your issue you will do the simple GUI upgrade and do a checkmark. That will be the fastest way to remedy the issue as v3.5.1 was a bit more resource heavy anyhow.

  8. Hi there,

    I am currently running a hub of my own and when my users try to login using ApexDC++ they get this kind of an error, can you please advise how to fix this and is it from my pc, or from theirs.

    [17:41:27] *** Connecting to mjackson.no-ip.info...

    [17:41:32] *** Connected

    [17:41:34] <MJDB You're disconnected - Reason: Using a not allowed client, please download a regular DCPlusPlus client at http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net - For more details goto http://blablabla.no-ip.org

    [17:41:34] *** Connection closed

    Are you connecting to it by auto connect? If so Apex sets emulation and will kick u on that. Try adding the hub to favorites and then connecting. Also to that looks to me like a hub issue and not a client issue. At first glance that looks like its a Ptokax setup. If I am right go to the "Options" tab in the Ptokax GUI and check mark the setting in the left hand column that says "Accept tag from unknown" This will remedy the problem completely.

  9. Does anyone get the idea that Toast thinks this is a stupid idea? I made a suggestion and you don't like it. Seriously dude its cool we understand you don't like it. You don't have to keep rewording it. There is more then just you that uses Apex...LOL..Anyhow I appreciate everyones feedback. Even yours Toast. Keep the post coming. I may not get another notepad but it still shows what the DC community wants and shows other developers what the people of DC are looking for.

  10. Recently with the new builds of Apex we now have submenued usercommands. This gets on your nerves especially when you OP in a hub and the commands are submenued anyhow. As I understand this could be a useful feature to some users I was wondering about putting a setting in to allow you to choose if you wanted this style or not. Just a thought as I have lost dramatic speed in my right clicks in the hubs because of this. It takes longer to go through a submenu then another and another to get to what I want.

  11. Here is the router I run and am very happy with it. It has held up well with all the hubs I run and the traffic going through it and it has some SPI inspection so it has held up a bit better then my older router in a DDoS from some of these n00bs on DC. It may or may not be exactly what you want but I figure by maybe showing what kind people run you can get a better idea of what will work for you.

    *Edit Per Request if Zlobomir*

    Router is a Linksys WRT150n

  12. Why store that much **** in the client notepad ? thats my simple question back totaly uncessary

    Why must you use profanity in all your post. This is a help forum..so do me a favor help and lose the mouth. Not everyone wants to read profanity everytime they turn around. I say this in the kindness of ways. Thanks in advance.

  13. This idea is already suggested and it is possible to be done on client, very easily. It would be very useful.

    Show me. I want to see this. It would take way to many resources for the client to store and hold this kind of information. Even if you did it via clientside LUA script (currently ApexDC does not have LUA script support) it's still not the actual client doing so. Even if it was done via LUA script in a client it would then still have to pull necessary data to make the list up which would then again cause major resource usage.

  14. That would be done hubside not clientside. Also to it would have to be done with a bot or script that you manually added what files you have downloaded. This is about the only way I can see this being done at all. Even if it was possible via client it would be so resource heavy it would crash just from the memory usage.