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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. ApexDC++ OP

    To put it simple all developers have different outlooks on what they wanna see in a client. For instance zK++ isn't a developed project. It is a simply a mod that Lord Sabbath built for himself and lets others have and see it. I personally think its a bad idea cause there are so many client dev's out there who think the best clients fake share slot lock fake there tag or some other sort of hack. ApexDC is the only true supported client not loaded with this other type of b.s.. Even Big Muscle supports the project as the Apex Core is based from StrongDC++. Again another fine "legal" non hacked faking client (Hats off to Big Muscle). I think we have a good thing going here and I personally as a beta tester, Supporter, and Apex user don't wanna see the merge of multiple dev's cause it just going to cause issues as they want all these in my opinion worthless features and the Apex team has a good concept on what the DC community wants...Please take no offense to this post its just how I see it. The Ascendent Network, Friends Unlimited Network and ApexDC++ team are doing as Sidetrack puts it "Ascending" (Meaning to make better) the DC community by bringing us together and to stop the hatred and wars between hubs, networks and who's client can do what. ApexDC is simply put...One step closer to the evolution to stop the continuing troubles on DC. Keep up the good work guys and lets make Apex the best client there is and ever will be.
  2. Design a new forum header!

    I personally like the header that is there now. It fits the theme of the rest of the forum and I think others like it. But if you choose to change it that is your choice but I vote to leave it the way it is.... ;)
  3. This is the whole point in a multi source client. I believe what your asking for is to remove segmented downloading and multi sourcing. I don't believe this would be a good idea but you can take it up with the developers. I really don't see this getting fulfilled though.
  4. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    Your welcome. Update would of came sooner but as you are aware there has been server issues..Hopefully we are stabilized and we hope to produce something to you soon.
  5. spellchecking

    I'm with Big Muscle. This is something that should be done via hub software. Implementing this would be pointless as 90% of the DC community is used for downloading. Also I'm almost positive as I am a tester and not a developer that it would have a negative effect on the resources of the client. If you want something of that nature maybe suggest a plugin or script in the forums pertaining to what you want.
  6. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    Its being worked on. We are testing a few builds now and working bugs out. I am sure the developers are doing there best and we hope to show you a public beta soon.
  7. Welcome Back

    Good work Apex..We got a dedicated server and we got it paid for now all we need is a stable release to show our true colors.. Lets get crackin!!!
  8. Server move successful

    Now thats what I'm talkin bout...Let get this thing goin...
  9. [Crush] Apex v1.0.0 Beta 2

    Thanks for the report but next time search a bit all of them have been reported.... :(
  10. need help in media spam thing

    Go to settings under the Advance Options tab.... at the bottom where it says Media Toolbar and spam settings. The question mark off to the side will help you. Example of my Winamp Spam: Pops A Quarter In The JukeBox And Plays :::::: %[title] ::::::
  11. new beta 2

    You know maybe you should have patience. It was called a public beta for a reason. They are well aware of the crash bug and have been working to correct it. I know I am running the beta they are working with.. I think maybe you should not be so negative and give it time..There are always bugs with betas thats why its called a beta and not a final release. Lee, Crise and the other coders keep up the good work ....hopefully maybe this poor user will get over it.
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 2

    I have been running the new beta for several hours and everytime i go to my download queue to look at my files Apex crashes with no info or anything it just shuts down. Other then that it works fine. It did this on the first beta and is doing it on the bug fix beta.