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  1. Building binary

    ------ Build started: Project: MakeDefs, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ Compiling... File.cpp MakeDefs.cpp i:\adc\trunk\makedefs\stdafx.h(30) : error C2871: '_STL' : a namespace with this name does not exist memcpy_amd.cpp SimpleXML.cpp Build log was saved at "file://i:\adc\trunk\vc7\Release\MakeDefs\BuildLog.htm" MakeDefs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) And there are even more... something like this: FileChunksInfo.cpp i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(88) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<' i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(88) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(88) : error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';' i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(89) : error C2653: 'List' : is not a class or namespace name i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(89) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'Iter' i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(89) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int i:\adc\trunk\client\Client.h(89) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\xhash(127) : error C2039: 'bucket_size' : is not a member of 'HashValue<Hasher>::PtrHash' with [ Hasher=TigerHash ] i:\adc\trunk\client\HashValue.h(33) : see declaration of 'HashValue<Hasher>::PtrHash' with [ Hasher=TigerHash ] G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\hash_map(90) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::_Hash<_Traits>' being compiled with [ _Traits=stdext::_Hmap_traits<HashValue<TigerHash> *,FileChunksInfo::Ptr,HashValue<TigerHash>::PtrHash,std::allocator<std::pair<HashValue<TigerHash> *const ,FileChunksInfo::Ptr>>,false> ] i:\adc\trunk\client\FileChunksInfo.h(257) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::hash_map<_Kty,_Ty,_Tr>' being compiled with [ _Kty=TTHValue *, _Ty=FileChunksInfo::Ptr, _Tr=HashValue<TigerHash>::PtrHash ] G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\xhash(127) : error C2065: 'bucket_size' : undeclared identifier G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\xhash(128) : error C2039: 'min_buckets' : is not a member of 'HashValue<Hasher>::PtrHash' with [ Hasher=TigerHash ] i:\adc\trunk\client\HashValue.h(33) : see declaration of 'HashValue<Hasher>::PtrHash' with [ Hasher=TigerHash ] G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\xhash(128) : error C2065: 'min_buckets' : undeclared identifier G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\hash_map(32) : error C2903: 'rebind' : symbol is neither a class template nor a function template G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\xhash(119) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::_Hmap_traits<_Kty,_Ty,_Tr,_Alloc,_Mfl>' being compiled with [ _Kty=std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> *, _Ty=QueueItem::Ptr , _Tr=noCaseStringHash, _Alloc=noCaseStringEq, _Mfl=false ] G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\hash_map(90) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::_Hash<_Traits>' being compiled with [ _Traits=stdext::_Hmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> *,QueueItem::Ptr ,noCaseStringHash,noCaseStringEq,false> ] i:\adc\trunk\client\QueueItem.h(44) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stdext::hash_map<_Kty,_Ty,_Tr,_Alloc>' being compiled with [ _Kty=std::string *, _Ty=QueueItem::Ptr, _Tr=noCaseStringHash, _Alloc=noCaseStringEq ] G:\visual studio 2005\VC\include\hash_map(32) : error C2039: 'rebind' : is not a member of 'noCaseStringEq' i:\adc\trunk\client\Util.h(591) : see declaration of 'noCaseStringEq'
  2. Hi, I once had oDC and there was a small trick to let you write in the main chat using the font, the color and the size you want. As far as I remember, it consisted of an XML written in the EditBox of my messages, with some values and some attributes... I'm trying to discover it again... and to use on ApexDc main chat. The hole thing is that only you could write with the font, color and size that you want, all the other people messages remaining the same default chat text. Does anyone know about that? And does anyone know how to do it? Thanks.
  3. Building binary

    Hi, I'm trying to build the ApexDc solution using MS Visual Studio 2005, but it won't work. Should I try another compiler? Or the problem is from the VS/project Settings??? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.