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Everything posted by Peetboy

  1. Notification of new files

    Thanks for explanation. I thought about plugin as something that should do "some extra work" which main program is not capable of do. And of course communicate with main program. Perhaps I was looking at it from wrong angle. Edit: Wouldn't it be possible with Lua plugin?
  2. Notification of new files

    Hi Cris, why do you think it's not possible? Let's face the problem. What are the new files in share? It's diff between your current filelist and your filelist before last indexing. So let's pretend that we have plugin which is capable of: store the actual filelist as temporary before each indexing after each indexing take actual and temporary filelists, do the diff and save result somewhere on user command or automatically after indexing send the result to the hub chat What makes it impossible to create such a plugin?
  3. Get ratio information

    Hi, I have simple question: would it be possible to get user ratio information with plugin?
  4. Get ratio information

    The case would be just informational. We have some arrogant people on the hub who download several times more than they share so I would like to know how much really. I was thinking more about TotalDownload,TotalUpload configuration parameters. I know that they can be easily faked but basic DC user doesn't know that.
  5. release ApexDC++ 1.5.6 has been released

    Change: Use DC++ speed limit code and remove unneeded hardcoded limits means - no more download speed limit to 7 * upload speed?
  6. There are so many reasons why this error occurs. For example one hub user find out that his utorrent is set wrong and creates many connections. The router can not handle as many connections so it dropped the connection which reflected by the same error message. This is one of the possibilities.
  7. release 1.5.2 brings requested fixes

    Hi guys, autoupdate doesn't work again? Did I miss something? Anyway, thanks for update and good work. ;)
  8. passive-to-passive connection

    I was also trying it with my friend on our local network. We both have routers and forwarded ports but for this test we set the passive connection with NAT Traversal and it did not work. Hubsoft is Verlihub and we both have ApexDC.
  9. Released: 1.4.2... country flags are back!

    Yes, it's broken. Extracted files have 0 size and are extracted with errors.
  10. Hi, I see people on my hub complaining that this is very confusing and I think the same. I don't know how much of upload remains. For example some people don't want to quit from hub if they see somebody downloading from them. So they are so kind that they stay online for the time when upload finish. Now there is no information about when upload finish.
  11. search with F3 hotkey

    That's weird, i was definitely trying that combination and it did not work. Anyway, thank you. At least you know new feature. :thumbsup:
  12. search with F3 hotkey

    Hi guys, is there a possibility to reset the search term when searching with F3 hotkey?
  13. search with F3 hotkey

    I can search text in chat window by pressing F3. It will ask to enter search text. The problem is that by pressing F3 again it will jump to next occurence. So i'm asking if it is possible to reset the search text and enter new.
  14. search with F3 hotkey

    Anybody? Do you know what I mean?
  15. I thought that downloading client send info to uploading client about how much data are already downloaded.
  16. Chatting features

    And why not? That client has a lot of "user-friendly" features. Nobody tries to promoting it here. I don't even use it, I just tried it once and found a lot of good features but it also lacks features which I like in Apex. Why not to use another client as example if somebody wants to explain what kind of new feature he would like to have implemented. @topic: Tab-completion - please be honest and tell how quickly you typing TAB when cycling thru nicks and how many times you pass that nick so you had to do another cycle - which means more TAB hits. Me many times! :)
  17. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.8

    Thank you so much. It works now with TLS off or with TLS forwarded as well. Thanks. I'm just wondering why it had not impact until now? Does it have something to do with Change: Encryption options enabled by default?
  18. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.8

    No, never use it, only TCP and UDP ports forwarded because of router. TLS is set to 0. Actually I'm on local network hub so I never had to use encrypted transfers. More people on our local hub have same problem with connection after upgrade to 1.3.8.
  19. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.8

    Hi guys, usually I do update of Apex by replacing exe and pdb files. I did it this time again but now I can't download from people who has 1.3.8 updated same way. When I did clean install of 1.3.8 download works fine. Is this some kind of bug?
  20. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    I'm testing DC client called EiskaltDC++ and I found many usefull features which I would be happy to see in Apex. 1. The settings menu is not a treeview but there are 8 sections on the left and each section has subsections on the right as tab panels. Settings are grouped and well-arranged, you don't need to expand submenus in the tree. 2. The status of indexing is shown as progress bar in status bar. 3. Some features has their own icon in the Toolbar (e.g. Turn on/off chat, search in the chat, open own filelist, show/hide transfers) There is also more features (e.g. IP Filter, Spam Filter, LUA Console, download limit per virtual folder, ...). Just try it and make your own opinion.
  21. /csfd command

    Just a small requirement from my side. There's still this old command /csfd for searching movies on but the link is incorrect for a while. The new search url should be "" besides current "". Could you correct this small issue in next release? Of course it's not important. :)
  22. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    1) Quick access to change speed limit by right click on status bar (like in uTorrent) 2) Same with number of slots (I think DC++ has it already in status bar) :)
  23. Alternate speed limit bug

    Hi, there is bug with alternate speed limiter. The values are switched. For example if you set alternate speed for upload to 1000kB it will set this speed for download and vice versa.
  24. Get file list error

    I have same problem. Can you open your own filelist? I can't. EDIT: It is definitely because of invalid XML. I validated my filelist on w3c and it did not pass validation. The problem was line with diacritic letters like: <File Name="Mal
  25. [1.2.1] Same problem as 1.2.0

    It's hard to collect any usefull informations about crash. I had crash today again about one hour ago. Apex was running more than 24 hours. I've been doing basic things on PC, mostly browsing the web. At one moment I switched back to Apex and it was frozen. It looks like problem with 64 bit OS (Vista) for now.