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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Forum Bug

    I don't understand. Maybe your browser cached the image and didn't check for an updated version? Both images look like the earth as viewed from the moon to me.
  2. Game: Guess the movie

    Yeah. Scores 1. Greg - 6 2. RadoX - 4 3. Kulmegil - 3 3. Noctis - 3 3. Balder - 3 3. Lee - 3 3. Calum - 3 4. Satan - 2
  3. Game: Guess the movie

    All the people unlucky enough to have watched this at least deserve a point here.
  4. Should see the one million mark reached fairly easily by the end of the year, especially if 1.0 final is released
  5. Game: Guess the movie

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  6. Game: Guess the movie

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  7. Game: Guess the movie

    Correct. Scores 1. Greg - 5 2. RadoX - 4 3. Kulmegil - 3 3. Noctis - 3 3. Balder - 3 3. Lee - 3 4. Satan - 2 4. Calum - 2
  8. Game: Guess the movie

    Nope, never heard of that.
  9. Fastest Download Speed?

    I'm like 20 miles from London, I expect decent broadband to be available. Enough people live in my area for ISPs to justify putting at least fairly decent infrastructure here. At least the download/upload speed ratio is better there.
  10. Game: Guess the movie

    16 Blocks?
  11. stats

    Assuming Apex can easily find out the amount of RAM your system has it is probably worth making the changes you suggested Zlobomir. Detecting dual-core (and even quad-core which is seeing more use since fairly recent price drops) processors would be nice to have and display, although I have no idea how easy that is.
  12. Crash info b4

    Good advice, also something worth me doing to see if a crash has been posted. Seeing as this crash hasbeen reported before, and their doesn't seem to be any additional/useful information regarding it, I'll lock this thread. If this crash occurs again feel free to mention it in one of the other threads related to the same crash, such as this one.
  13. Always on top

    Haha, sorry about that, although it seems like you didn't get the point of reinstalling and losing all your preferences, which is good. Will definitely have to check before I reply more in future.
  14. Boring

    Hehe, we're not intending to add many/any new feature until we get version 1.0 released, we also intend to remove as many bugs as we can too, so I can't promise the forums will be too interesting until we have that stable base to add features onto. Glad to know you enjoy the client. :lol:
  15. Fastest Download Speed?

    I'm paying the same amount for 4mbit. I'm intending to ring them up and asking for the price new customers get for 20mbit.
  16. Game: Guess the movie

    Yeah. FYI, no cheating was going on. Scores 1. RadoX - 4 1. Greg - 4 2. Kulmegil - 3 2. Noctis - 3 2. Balder - 3 2. Lee - 3 3. Satan - 2 4. Calum - 1
  17. Game: Guess the movie

  18. Always on top

    I don't believe we have this feature, it's something which plenty of other applications can do though, maybe it was one of them? Does restarting ApexDC++ not fix it? The programs which can set windows to "Always on top" can usually undo it too.
  19. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Definitely sounds like something worth adding. Unfortunately, Keine isn't very active anymore so someone else will need to make this change. I have been thinking about realeasing a new guide myself, if I do I'll make sure to include a link to make it easier to get the PeerGuardian plugin file.
  20. AML 3.06

    Yep. Settings --> Advanced --> Fake Detector --> Clients. Click update in there, if it doesn't work then check that you are using one or the two update links listed by Toast.
  21. [BUG][0.4.0-1.0.0] There is not enough space on disk

    4GB of data can take a long time to redownload from some users, but there's not reason you shouldn't be able to move the file and update it in the download queue file.
  22. Design a new forum header!

    Is there anywhere else where someone is using a fluid design like this? Would like to see how they've designed a logo to do this.
  23. AML 3.06

    Will make sure I update, thanks.