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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Game: Guess the movie

    Wedding Crashers.
  2. banned for not using apex

    The problem is probably that you are in emulation mode. If youy are using Quick Connect to join the hub then it's safe to assume emulation is th eproblem. Just add the hub to your favorites and try and connect again. If that doesn't work or you don't know how to do that, feel free to ask. :crying:
  3. New User

    The segment downloading works a little differently I believe. I think the main difference is that when a segment is finished it actually disconnects, meaning you can lose your slot. Not too sure if I'm right, but I believe that's required to emulate DC++ well.
  4. Support VLC Media player

    Why would you need to control your media player from within another application anyway? :S Personally I can't see the appeal.
  5. Why do M$ do this?

    At least you can share your media to your 360? I would have thought someone would have made some third party applications, but yeah it could have been done a lot better, WMP11 shouldn't be needed.
  6. Often there's not much you can do about it. You have three options: - Just live with it and don't use P2P so much. - Change your ISP to one which doesn't throttle P2P. - Use a proxy server, ideally a paid one like Relakks (which costs about £3.70 GBP or $7.53 USB a month). The added bonus of using a server like Relakks is that it often provides an encrypted connection etc. and means you're much much less likely to get found out for filesharing or anything, especially as it's all based in Sweden. Do try enabling the Settings Zlobomir suggested, they may help. :unsure:
  7. Game: Guess the movie

    No real idea what film it is, "You, Me and Dupree"?
  8. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    Indeed, there is plenty of software catergories where the free applications are best, video players and music players for example. With antivirus software though I think it's widely accepted that the paid software is better. Most antiviruses that are free also have a paid version availble which I would assume is better (AVG and Avira for example). It's all opinion but I'm not seen any evidence to suggest the free antivirus software is better than some paid ones. AVG and Avira will rely on the revenue from their paid versions to pay for the developement of the free versions, any antivirus which didn't have a paid version would likely be inferior (lack of finance to maintain developement and protection against new viruses as quick as other companies). The companies which do give a free version just give a basic/crippled version of what they sell.
  9. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    We actively discourage the downloading of copyrighted content. Anti-virus software is something where it's worth spending a little bit of money to get the best that is availble instead of a free one.
  10. Update

    Please try and use the Search function on the forums in future. Here's a link to a topic covering this, which also includes a screenshot: Topic: How do I disable update notifications?
  11. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    NOD32 FTW!
  12. Game: Guess the movie

    Correct. Scores 1. Greg - 11 2. Calum - 7 3. RadoX - 5 4. Kulmegil - 3 4. Noctis - 3 4. Balder - 3 4. Lee - 3 5. Satan - 2
  13. Game: Guess the movie

    A lot of you will have seen this movie I think, tried not to make the screenshot too obvious though.
  14. Support VLC Media player

    I don't like the feature, but I don't like support for WMP either. In fact to me it's totally unneeded. The point is that other people use these features, if other people want VLC support then we may look into it, we just thought it was a fair assumption that VLC wasn't used much for music.
  15. Game: Guess the movie

    Hard Candy.
  16. Game: Guess the movie

    Yeah, it is "Ran". Very good film. Scores 1. Greg - 10 2. Calum - 6 3. RadoX - 5 4. Kulmegil - 3 4. Noctis - 3 4. Balder - 3 4. Lee - 3 5. Satan - 2
  17. Support VLC Media player

    I believe this has been discussed in the past. VLC is widely used for playing movies/video, and not so much for music. (There's better applications availble for music in my opinion.) There's two reasons why trying to display information for video seems a little pointless: 1) Generally video will require your visual attention instead of DC, you'll be looking at the video not chatting on DC. 2) Video formats don't have metadata in the same sort of way as music. With music there's a fairly universal standard for files, title and artist etc. are generally always included and this is what is used to display what song you are playing in ApexDC. With video pretty much all we have to go on is the filename (and stuff like bitrate), which could be quite useless in letting people know what you're watching.
  18. Close button

    We come up with an imaginitive yet logical way to organise settings? Failing that you can do what one of my favorite applications has done and give the user the ability to search through the different settings. Take a look at this: Preferences Filtering
  19. Ignore PM's from users?

    Indeed, we don't have a list of these available like we do for favorite users though? Is it even worth adding? :)
  20. Preview

    During the installation of Apex we should probably allow the user to configure it, if possible. This is another thing which should be part of an "initial setup" when a user installs ApexDC or runs it for the first time.
  21. Finished Downloads - multiselect

    Suggestion 1 is probably worth adding, especially if it's included in DC++ 0.699. As for suggestion 2, I tend to just use the context menu button on my keyboard (also accessed via Shift+F10) then pressing O to open them. Making Return open the file seems like a reasonable request though as double-clicking already does, if that is implemented may be worth adding a confirmation dialog for when multiple file are selected.
  22. Game: Guess the movie

    Nope, sorry. It's based on a Shakespeare play.
  23. Close button

    As I've said before, I'd use it. The request has been rejected though, so it's not an issue. The point about having this on by default confusing users doesn't seem very relevant to me as you could either have a dialogue box the first time the close button is pressed to ask the user whether to close or minimize to tray (and a cancel button). That dialogue box could even replace the existing confirm close one, except you could have a tickbox to remember the the choice the user makes. Alternatively you could have one of those balloon things pop up to say it was minimized the tray and allow the user to click on it to change that setting or whatever. Doesn't seem like that will happen though. :P
  24. Game: Guess the movie

    No guesses at all? Well here's a clue: Akira Kurosawa.
  25. Show us your desktop

    Not bad considering it's three years old, I wouldn't have wasted the resources on a dock back then. I have no desktop at the moment, my computer is broken. :P