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Everything posted by Lee

  1. release ApexDC++ 1.5.6 has been released

    As of right now the German, Spanish, Russian and Romanian language files have been uploaded to our website. More will be uploaded as we get them from our translators. PS: Forgot to give a shout out to Hublist.eu - we've added them to the list of available public hublists in ApexDC++. Keep up the good work!
  2. HELP! Connection timeout and search incapabilities

      You need to setup your connection/router correctly. Please check out the connection setup topic for more help.     Have you verified that your router has got the correct ports forwarded using the above link?
  3.   Yes, I plan to create an announcement regarding this soon. We just need to get 1.5.6 out to fix a few issues and then we can concentrate on this. If you want to make sure you aren't forgotten about you can PM me with your interest and what distribution you use.   Thanks for your patience.
  4. Yep, it has been removed. You can block the update server manually if you wish.
  5. No, sorry it's not possible. All current up to date programs adhere to the DC protocol specification and I can't think of one that doesn't require hashing now.
  6. How do I setup ApexDC++, and download music?

    If you use the public hublist icon in the toolbar you can get a list of hubs available for you to connect to. Make sure you're sharing some files before entering these hubs as they usually require you to have a minimum share before accepting you. Once you've successfully entered a hub you can start searching from the toolbar :)
  7. release ApexDC++ 1.5.5 is here

    Yes we are alive and kicking! This is a routine maintenance release that catches up to the latest plugin changes implemented in DC++ by Crise and a few other general fixes. While we're migrating over to using DC++ maintained plugins there are two plugin files offered for download. The traditional plugins are still available and the new LuaPlugin is renamed to ScriptPlugin; you can find both of them here. A list of changes have been published and we are expanding our private testing group for 2.0. Expect to see another post regarding recruitment for this very soon. Download 1.5.5
  8. How do I setup ApexDC++, and download music?

    What specific issues are you having? I guess you've connected to a hub and all you need to do from there is search for files.
  9. I Can connect to hubs but cant search users

    Hey, It sounds like you might need to forward your ports in the router. You could try using this guide to help you.
  10. How do I setup ApexDC++, and download music?

    Hello, Sorry I must have overlooked your original topic. If you've already learnt how to use DC++, what specific issues are you having with ApexDC++?
  11. ApexDC 1.5.5

    Hey! You can check out the release topic here, it's currently only available to registered members. We wish to release this publicly in a week or so depending on if any major bugs are reported. We are in the process of mailing our members to inform them of this.
  12. Welcome and thanks for using ApexDC. You can backup your settings by going copying your Settings folder in Program FilesApexDC++ directory. Let me know how you get on :)
  13. Digitally signed binaries

    Sorry for the late reply. We have thought about this and discussed it a few times, but for cost reasons we decided against it. I'll check your link out though, thanks!
  14. mac os x version, if any?

    Welcome to the forums and thanks for the kind words. It is already a reality in our development environment. My advice right now is to PM me with your interest so I can keep you on a tangible list to ping when we're ready for a broader test.
  15. Permission to use the icon

    Hello, Nice bit of software. You have my permission to use the icon. Good luck with the project!
  16. Possible Site user info leak

    Sure, PM me it.
  17. No snow in the forum

    Mind = blown :D
  18. No snow in the forum

    Are you trolling me Poy? I do cry myself to sleep at night because there's no snow on the forums though. Maybe something can be arranged...
  19. slow downloads kick

    That is not really what he asked. Kick the user from hub or just disconnect them from a transfer? The latter is available in the program already, so I guess you mean kick... I'd prefer not to implement that.
  20. Multiple input field for MC/PM

    This is possible in the new 2.0 version we're working on.
  21. windows 8 metro app

    We haven't explored this option yet as we're a little busy in the background with 2.0 development. If it's something you're willing to do, I'd be interested in following. :)
  22. File priority options

    It is on the list for the new site. :)
  23. File priority options

    Anybody else feel this is worthwhile to do? Paused is exactly what it means. Nice observation. If there is no immediate issues with adding this, we can pop it on the todo list. There are priority settings under Settings > Queue if you want to mess about with those.
  24. Advanced power options

    These are something I'd like to add. :)
  25. Connection problem

    Use automatic incoming connections type for uPnP and let us know what it says in system log.