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Everything posted by Satan

  1. help! password incorrect?

    If it's a private hub, you possibly cant. If it's a pub hub, change username and connect then ask them.
  2. I would suggest just moving ISP. I had this problem and thats what I was forced to do.
  3. This has already been posted.
  4. Support VLC Media player

    We could also integrate a player into Apex....or allow users the extendability to add there own preferences to advertise.
  5. Game: Guess the movie

    Gah, was about to say that :)
  6. Tis probably XP with CrystalVista. Thats what my downstairs pc looks like. Also, go to set program defaults in vista to get that box posted above Aztek :)
  7. Grafic bugs/coruption on Win2K

    Don't use Win2K :)
  8. Support VLC Media player

    Support for it? It's already supported last I knew....
  9. emulation in quick connect

    I think removing emulation would restrict ApexDC from being as user friendly.
  10. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    Router firewalls are better than any software firewall btw.
  11. Blank Windows

    Hehe, wont have been ur fault delo. Windows has a habit of doing that, something it takes a single click as a double, causing that :P
  12. Blank Windows

    It looks like things have been dragged to the bottom, try selecting just above the bit where it says fave hubs and dragging upwards.
  13. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    Or try AVG Free?
  14. Ban for Dynamic IPs

    It's a DC protocol restriction. But surely u can reg users and if they misbehave remove their account?
  15. emulation in quick connect

    Well u will find a lot of hubs impossible to get into without em.
  16. More sources and segments

    Apex does not support kademlia. Many hub owners consider it a no no. Also, many ops also think multi-source is bad. But not if correctly implemented.
  17. More sources and segments

    DC was never supposed to be like torrent and such that allow u to download off 100 users at once. In fact, this would kill DC, it would mean a user with this capability cud take a slot from every user in hub. DC hubs vary so much in user size and they also dont have to connect to many hubs. Problem is a user in a few hubs, dling 5 files with 50 segements in each is using 250 users! in a small hub this would be the equiv of a slot from every user....
  18. [BUG][1.0.0B4] dchub links bug

    I actually like it!! /ducks!
  19. emulation in quick connect

    Yeah! leave it on pls!!
  20. Ban for Dynamic IPs

    Well u could threaten to report the user to their ISP for mis-use of their internet connection i guess....
  21. [BUG][1.0.0B4] dchub links bug

    I have vista on 2 machines now and niether do this.
  22. works fine mate. never have any probs.
  23. I need a little help...

    try dc++ too, this way we can see if it's additions within apex that are doing this.
  24. TCP connection failed but UDB passed

    I would say to look up the net for people with same router and see if they have same probs. If so, then you may have to accept this scenario.
  25. Problems Downloading

    I run a hub and run it on ynhub also. I dont have any problems. Make sure you have TCP/UDP forwarded for the hub on a different port to the one your running dc thru.