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Everything posted by Satan

  1. connecting issue

    You still didn't answer the question, the open your own file list press Ctrl+E Also, vista will not have any bearing, your firewall will tho...
  2. ApexDC++ 0.4.0: Upload Slots Bug !

    Check the slot ratio option under settings>share. Set it to 0, then try again.
  3. Remove displaying of limiter?

    Sorry!! I get rattled by people who use faker clients! Tis annoying, I wasn't shouting at vi7o, just at all the n00bs who do use em.
  4. Remove displaying of limiter?

    Yes there is, if you use a faker, idiot, n00bs0r client!
  5. Game: Guess the movie

    Blade 2?
  6. connecting issue

    What happens if you open your own file list? does it show 100G?
  7. Can't access ApexDC++ folder in Windows Vista

    Can you open Apex from the shortcut? If so, go to properties on the shortcut and double check the file names, will let you see exactly where it is.
  8. connecting issue

    Is the share finished hashing?
  9. Game: Guess the movie

    Damnit, one I could of actually guessed. Your too quick for me :thumbsup:
  10. crash exceptions

    What where you doing when the error occured?
  11. Merry Christmas ApexDC Users

    Mucho Gracias!! Same here my friend. Merry Xmas to ALL!!!
  12. 2 features. (just two!)

    It didn't? I could of sworn it did, ah well, must be losing it....
  13. 2 features. (just two!)

    Kademlia has been implemented in Peerweb DC which was a former of Apex. Now, we removed it with good reason and will not be re-adding it. Secondly, the first feature you have requested WILL be implemented but only when ADC is finished. At present, it is not possible on the NMDC protocol.
  14. Download from specific user only

    Turn segmented downloading off and remove the other sources.... Zlo: Rest split & moved to Feature Requests:
  15. fakelists

    He's referring to the AML list. Anyone got the address? I not at home at mo, but If no response by tomorrow avo i'll post it up.
  16. IP auto update

    That will be because your IP doesn't update while Apex is running, like this guys does.
  17. Mark existing files when searching

    In order to generate a TTH for the file you would need to hash them...however, crise said it may be possible, but my guess is it would be hard to code.
  18. Another person who cannot grasp the concept of reading :)
  19. apexDC++ settings for Comodo Firewall

    Firmware firewall's ftw tbh! :)
  20. obaint 2Kb/s free in upload

    Well the limiter will stay as is, so just use it. We cannot allow user's to change multipliers cuz it will make Apex a leecher client.
  21. Mark existing files when searching

    Also, I believe, to enable the feature DC would need to hash your whole drive whether shared or not.
  22. TLS should work on all ADC hubs, however, as the client is still trialling we haven't done extensive tests yet.
  23. As good as that sounds, the problem remains, that it doesn't work on non-adc hubs. Which most are.
  24. Fair Download speeds for everyone

    It depends on too many factors to make this implementable.
  25. 1 million downloads achieved

    Happy days! Where's my cake? :crying: