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Everything posted by Satan

  1. ApexDC++ v1.0.0 Beta 5 Crash + Bug

    Post this in Area51!
  2. Winamp spam

    W00t, your a genuis greg!! THANK U!!
  3. Recommend a router

    I used 3Com modems, never their routers, they where fine, stable as a rock.
  4. They still make MPClassic builds? The whole idea of classic is well, it's classic, i.e. what they used to use, it no longer exists, at least not within ms iirc.
  5. Winamp spam

    Any other suggestions? I like the default but I dont like the +me part because it dont work in pms.
  6. User Commands

    I have no objection if it's a submenu and not forced, least that way i can keep it submenu'd cuz i like it that way.
  7. Recommend a router

    ohh, well if it means anything mine runs fine ;)
  8. Recommend a router

    I think the common demonator here is, use linksys or netgear ;)
  9. AH ha, so it does, thanks pothead, I hadn't noticed that ;)
  10. Recommend a router

    The only netgear device I have heard of with any melting issue is the old Rangemax router (with the funky blue lights). All of their gateways are any other router are steady afaik.
  11. How long ago was this, it wont work for me in B4, I cant use B5 due to the video bugs present within it.
  12. Still doesn't stop me not being able to get it working under vista tho ;)
  13. TLS uses the TCP port, UDP Is not required.
  14. Recommend a router

    Well I have always when with Netgear, I currently use the Rangemax NEXT router. However it doesn't have multiple DMZ.
  15. IP auto update

    Or....the are not willing to implement an entirely new feature for 1 person.....which is understandable.
  16. Temp Sharing

    There will always be hubs who accept it, so it wont be a problem.
  17. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 4

    This dude is schizo, talking to self, bad idea :thumbsup:
  18. Temp Sharing

    By 'not an issue' do you mean it will be supported in DC++ and therefore hub owners will have to accept it? Or that it will not be possible? I'm somewhat lost by your statement.
  19. Merged and Pinned, in the hope this will make people read it!!
  20. Can't access ApexDC++ folder in Windows Vista

    The reason for that, is you are on 64 Bit vista, the problem is, Vista register's apex as a 32-Bit application and install's it accordingly. As such, that is why the folder differ's. However, on 32-Bit vista you would not have this issue.
  21. New file notification

    Yeh, Mikey is right, the hub would need to do it, for the simply reason, if the client did it, it would make the client really hard on the hub and also high memory usage for the user.
  22. Temp Sharing

    Why would ANYONE not want to upload what they are currently downloading? I cannot see one single valid reason for it....
  23. Temp Sharing

    Well I share 1Tb and I like the feature, so does that mean that my oppinion over-rules yours?
  24. Can't access ApexDC++ folder in Windows Vista

    Go to settings>downloads Check where the temp and complete folders are, check them both.