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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. Your Simpsons Avatar

    Thank you. :shifty:
  2. Your Simpsons Avatar

    PS: LOL @ ZloboMiR
  3. Game: Guess the movie

    *With a bit of fear* Eurotrip?
  4. Game: Guess the movie

    Van Wilder
  5. Very Hot

    Last night it so hot here that I couldn't sleep... that's why I'm here now (04:45 am). It's tempting to rot in front of PC than to sleep. :)
  6. What do you download?

    Download: virtually everything. :(
  7. EXE File Check

    I think double extensions could be covered with ADL Search, regexp: \.(avi|mpg|jpg|mp3)\.exe$ But it would be better if it would be built into the client.
  8. Protected users in apex

    I think that wildcards are more than enough for prefixes anyways. :)
  9. Protected users in apex

    You told me once Crise, that it's either regexp or wildcards. :ditz:
  10. Protected users in apex

    Either with regexp (like you posted above) or simply wildcars like this: [TAG]*;[TAG2]* ... The difference is, that in ApexDC++ you need to use semicolon ( ; ) to seperate entires (Zion++ uses p|i|p|e|s).
  11. Unused Hub Disconnect

    I think this is not true, I usually find the most valuable things in private hubs.
  12. Report filename to op´s

    Crise is right, you can create a simple chat command, and if hub has +report (most of them do), via %[userNI] and %[fileFN] you can send report to opchat (this is one of the main purpose of the +report text command). However I don't think we have a string for TTH at this moment.
  13. Unused Hub Disconnect

    A new source could pop in any second, thus make the hub "used" again... OR... if you were not downloading in a hub, but you were uploading, and get disconnected by this feature, that would "hurt" other users. And I think 15 hubs is not much at all.
  14. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    I think we already have a thread for it here, and I included that in the first post. :unsure:
  15. What happens when you emulate DC++

    And as far as I know, the multi-source feature doesn't work as good as it does when you don't emulate, so avoid it where possible.
  16. some new features i like

    It already supports spamming with WMP, try /wmp in main chat, or if the latest public release doesn't, the next public one will. Not sure about other players. Remember downloads? What do you mean? I guess you mean log downloads... in that case.. File \ Settings... \ Advanced \ Logs \ Log downloads
  17. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Yes, but the raw command works for Lizard, but it doesn't display the full path of the forbidden file... it does in my client.
  18. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    baba.runner: they are used the same way, you just have to pay attentions to hub commands, because they differ in YnHub and PtokaX. Lizard: I used the raw command that you posted eariler (exactly), I don't think it has to be written in seperate lines. Are you doing it with the latest alpha version?
  19. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Just tested it in TGO with the raw command you posted: [15:45:48] <#[HeadGeeks Lounge]> [kick] FrozenNoctis was kicked by [OP]Noctis because: Sharing 1 forbidden files including Apex Beta Testing\Testing Full Path in Raw\Kiddy porn fake test file.avi, comment: none, 5 times = ban I'm using the newest alpha but I remember it worked with previous version(s).
  20. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    That is %[userCS] instead of %[fileFN] it works as full path with ADLS. ^_^
  21. Very Hot

    Thermometer shows 29-30 Celsius here at this moment, it's 22:09. At yesterday night it was so hot here (my room is the hottest room in the house), that I almost threw up. :(
  22. User file addition tracking

    You can save old filelist (actually just turn off delete filelist's when exiting) but you need to move them so when the new one is download it won't overwrite it. Basically what you just did. :)
  23. Automaticaly disconnectic fast downloads

    Actually I think this looks a mutli-source downloading issue. I think you should not lose your slot when finising a segment if you start the next one right away. Not sure but you may want to check your setting in File\Settings\Sharing\Queue > Don't being new segment if overall file speed is over XX kB/s.