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About AddictedToChaos

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  1. ApexDC++ for Linux

    That's incredible news. I will soon switch over linux and this will be a great reason to hurry the switch :thumbsup:
  2. Passive search in specific hub

    That's already implemented. Go to the hub properties that you want to use passive mode, check the "Firewall (passive, worst case)" and reconnect to the hub :blushing:
  3. Progressing with ApexDC++

    Well done guys :)
  4. [Crash] Apex 0.2.2

    All right then. I'll do this next time that will happen, thanks ;)
  5. [Crash] Apex 0.2.2

    I had a crash after a long time in Apex just right now. I have had it working all day. The crash occured when I tried to delete an incomplete file from download queue. When I pressed the yes button on the confirmation remove dialog, Apex froze for a while and then it crashed. The problem with that file was that 2% was remaining and although 52 users were standby to give me the file, the connection wasn't starting. That's why I decided to remove it. To download it again from the start Hopefully, an exceptioninfo file was created :w00t: Here it is. exceptioninfo.txt
  6. 7,000 posts

    Great news!!! Congrats from me too I think ApexDC++ deserves such a popularity cause it's probably the most stable DC around (besides it's wonderful features of course) Thanks again guys for this great program :w00t:
  7. Progressing with ApexDC++

    Hey Greg. Nice job there. I like them The colors are fitting well with the general theme i guess.
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 0.2.0 (Preview 2)

    Nice work guys I like the new installer package very much :D
  9. Skype Smiles For ApexDC++

    Very nice HATRED. They're like Ubuntu Dapper Drake Gnome colour ;)
  10. time between searches in peerweb

    It's the "minimum search interval" option, in the advanced tab ;)
  11. Fav button

    Yeap. That's for sure. But hey, being active is a bit tricky if you don't know a lot of basic stuff lol.
  12. Fav button

    Whatever man. In the end, the user will learn somehow, about this command or option :ermm:
  13. Fav button

    If someone, knows how to make dc++ works, he definately know about the right click menu there...
  14. Fav button

    There is also, in right click context menu of the hub button.
  15. Two useful features

    Two useful things. 1. Keep Finished Downloads list after client restarts. 2. Ability to save/open an offline hublist. (very handy for dial up users and for downfalls )