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Everything posted by Mek

  1. Can't load file list

    I have seen this bug when checking some user clients (as OP) and the user info said "Filelist not available" so they got kicked. But they have not been using Apex.
  2. Filter by complete tag

    strange, nothing happens here - no users filtered, the userlist stays exactly the same as it was before... I pressed enter on the filter box, but nothing happened as well.
  3. Adding new folders to share

    no, no, I was not talking about share size in hub. I was talking about empty directories in my filelist :)
  4. Adding new folders to share

    It would be best to describe it by example, so here it goes: Imagine you are connected to a hub, sharing some data. An user asks you to share something. You go to sharing settings and check the checkboxes of folders you want to share. Hashing process will start, you press OK and after hashing is complete, you tell the user that he can download your filelist. But the user sees the new folders unhashed (0 B in size). The solution is to refresh filelist once more (ctrl-E). Then all files which have been hashed appear in the filelist properly. To fix this strange behavior, a filelist refresh should be forced after completing the hashing process. I don't know if this depends on my settings or if it is not a bug, rather a feature. Therefore I ask you if you encounter the same behavior?
  5. Hide share feature bug

    Okay, so, from what I read, I guess it is technically impossible to fix my reported bug. Thank you for replies.
  6. Hide share feature bug

    Let me explain by example: I am an OP on a hub, I have share enabled, people download from me. But then I realise they are depleting my upload limit (my internet does not work when it's depleted completely), so I disconnect from that hub, enable Hide share feature under this particular hub in favorite hubs, and reconnect. My share is hidden, but people are still downloading from me. Is this a bug?
  7. Hub Name Bug

    Well, I don't know, everything seems to be okay here - I did the experiment you recomended. Tested on Ynhub and Verlihub.
  8. user list alternate colours

    Thank you very much, that was it. I would never find it myself :unsure:
  9. Hub Name Bug

    There is a setting "Enable $HubTopic support" in the settings, try turning that on :unsure:
  10. transfer apexdc to another computer

    Just move your entire ApexDC directory. For added certainity, put it in the same path as in the original computer.
  11. QFT Imagine a situation: You have data-limited upload to internet, but unlimited upload to LAN. You could set 2 slots shared to the 2 interneet hubs you are in, and 10 extra slots for the LAN hub. That is what I would do :unsure:
  12. cant download from sdc2.21

    I realised I have this problem too. "Correct setup of TLS" as you wrote - does it involve port forwarding of TLS (separate TCP) port? I have turned off all encryption options and now the connection works like a charm.
  13. user list alternate colours

    I like alternating colors too, but first of all, how do you even turn this feature on? Nobody was able to answer my question in my topic about these alternating colors in userlist...
  14. Additional US HubLists

    why don't you use the regular hublist filtered by keyword "usa" or click on the Country column caption in hublist and scroll down to see all hubs from US.
  15. How good is your PC

    My new laptop has 5.3 :)
  16. Flag bug

    I noticed that the flag for country code "RS" is displayed as unknown. Adding it to ApexDC++ would be great Thanx
  17. Flag bug

    Exactly like Crise said. Satan, you misunderstood Free database is okay, country is detected as country code RS, but Apex does not have a flag to display for this country. It displays the gray question mark instead of the flag.
  18. ApexDC for external HDDs

    I have the same problem and would like to see it solved as well. Why would empty folders have been shared? They don't have to appear in file list at all. Just the client would remember that it shares these folders, and, when available again, adds it to share again and raises share size.
  19. Restore from tray not working

    aaaaaaah... never mind, it's working now... had to restart explorer.exe weird :-/
  20. Restore from tray not working

    Hi, I just registered here to inform you about an annoying bug. However, I am an experienced DC and ApexDC++ user It is the best client ever, just great work To my problem: I installed Vista x64 SP1 on my new notebook yesterday. I have ApexDC++ set up in a way that when I click on the Minimize button, it minimizes into tray. But when I want to restore it (by double-clicking ApexDC++ tray icon) nothing happens. To restore it, I have to right-click the icon and click Restore (or what it is called, I have Slovak language installed). It worked in XP SP2 32bit I was using before. Please can you help me with this issue? Thanx in advance
  21. Userlist colors

    I was just curious... I have used ApexDC++ on more systems and on some the userlist was having alternating colors and on the other ones the userlist was just a plain one. Client settings were exactly the same (copied xml files). So I was wondering what it depends on..? I must admit I like the alternating colors more Sorry I can't explain it more clearly, hopefully the attached screenshots will be clear (taken from two distinct machines using the same ApexDC version, the colored one is Win XP SP2 32b, the simple one is Vista SP1 64b). //edit: hmm, now I see the colors are slightly different... one is blueish, the other one more into violet... weird :)