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Everything posted by Mek

  1. can't search (yes I have read the guide)

    Make sure your firewalls are properly set (or disabled), or set yourself into passive mode.
  2. in search pane, there is a field named "Search in results" and there you can write words to include in your search. If you want to exclude a word, you should be able to place "-" before that word (but now I tried, it doesn't work). However, this excluding does work with the search itself. Maybe you should use it that way...? For example: "setup.exe -skype" would search for anything named "setup.exe" and not containing "skype".
  3. Fastest Download Speed?

    L00K: (at dormitory) (at home - but it shows University of Zilina because I go out through VPN).
  4. very, very good ideas! :)
  5. No, I don't mean to set slot count differently per each hub! What about making a checkbox named "Unlimited slots for this hub" in a favorite hub properties. "Unlimited" would mean 100 or any such hugh number. This change would be reflected in the tag for the particular hub. Other hubs would use the default settings :)
  6. Would be useful to me too - I am using a LAN hub as well where slots could be unlimited.
  7. To ensure it isn't a software configuration error, I would suggest trying out some Linux distribution - preferably a live one (which you start from a DVD) requiring no installation. Then, you install linuxdcpp (a linux DC++ clone, which sucks btw ) and test your connection there. If everything is fine, then a reinstall of windows should fix the problem.
  8. So it isn't an issue of ApexDC itself. From what you wrote I would suspect the ISP throttling DC connections.
  9. Filelist problems (folder size = 0Byte)

    That's because by default the "double-click on user name" action is Browse file list and not Get file list (can the developers make it otherwise so we don't have this kind of questions here?) I have explained it many times, but one more time: Browse file list gets just the current directory and requests more upon you actually requesting more. Get file list gets the whole filelist with info about all shared files and does not request anything anymore. :)
  10. unable to download a movie or anythink else

    0mg, it's clearly stated there I wonder when people actually read what the program says??
  11. unable to download a movie or anythink else

    Does it do this when trying to connect to ANY hub? If so, you might have some too agressive firewall installed (or anything else is blocking it) or maybe your ISP started throttling DC traffic.
  12. unable to download a movie or anythink else

    Can you actually connect to any hub? When does it say "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host." ? Does it even connect or does it spit out this error message immediately after "Connecting..."?
  13. Search

    By pressing Ctrl+S ?
  14. hub vows, no access

    Proxy is slow. Most probably using a passive mode will sort it out. If not, ask your ISP if they are blocking anything.
  15. hub vows, no access

    To answer the first part of your post - looks like a firewall of some sort is blocking the connections. Try disabling it (including the windows one). If you don't have a firewall on your computer, then, as you say your connection is direct, your ISP may be blocking the connections using a keep-state firewall (means that inbound connections are not allowed). Depends on your ISP if his inner network allows faster speeds (most probably it doesn't).
  16. hubs?

    Hubs in specific? Like that you write its address and that you cannot connect or something like that? Well, I guess no, I mean, if you have a problem with a particular hub, just use another hub, there is a sh*tload of them.
  17. delete account

    You can't . Why would you want to do that anyway? If you don't want to use this forum anymore, just stop visiting it.
  18. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    When it's done :)
  19. Apex doesnt connects to hubs

    Then try the other clients. If they don't work either, the problem has nothing to do with apex :)
  20. Apex doesnt connects to hubs

    And other DC clients work?
  21. Automatic backup of Favorites.xml

    Why would you need to make a backup of Favorites.xml every time? You just need to do it once in a while, when you change something in your favorite hubs.
  22. Automatic backup of Favorites.xml

    Well, I am using Apex for quite some years but this hasn't happened to me (yet)... But maybe the Favorites.xml could be backed up like Queue.xml ?
  23. Does it mean the idea wasn't discarded? :)
  24. Possible to kick / bann user?

    How do you know he does not upload? If he is sharing crap then report him to the operators, they should take care of him. As an ordinary user, you cannot kick / ban users.
  25. Help

    Go to your download queue (Ctrl+D) and delete the file from there.