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Everything posted by Mek

  1. Legal or not ?

    On your computer.
  2. 7 million downloads, 2.0 on the way

    Great. You are going to include a configuration wizard in 2.0, right? I hope it will still be possible to provide a preconfigured ApexDC++, supplied with the xml files and settings set as needed... (not that some settings get reset, such as UseDHT)
  3. DHT banned in hubs

    Same here. I am providing our LAN users with a preconfigured ApexDC++ so that they minimize the trouble when using it. But DHT enables itself regardless of the setting in XML and that is irritating, partly defeating the sole purpose of such preconfigured client. Any way to get around this behaviour?
  4. To be more precise, it's Favorites.xml (US spelling).
  5. Problems connecting to VPN

    Well, I don't think it would be right... But you have those hubs in a hublist, for example
  6. Problems connecting to VPN

    I would guess the DC network is blocked on the side of the VPN. Try connecting to secure ADC hubs (they start with adcs://) and see if it works (the protocol these hubs are using, is encrypted, thus invisible to the shaping).
  7. I guess this would be technically impossible. DHT means Distributed Hash Table so only searching by file hash (TTH) is possible. As always, correct me if I am wrong :)
  8. How do I not share empty directories?

    I guess it was removed due to causing a bug with the need of refreshing share twice if you wanted to add something into it. (someone correct me if I am wrong)
  9. It wont show what I uploaded

    Also check the log: menu View - Sytem Log. Does it say it couldn't save hashdata?
  10. Peerweb dc++ 0.41 crash

    I would guess it's because of the settings. For example, you have set only 1 upload slot so you can be in 1 hub only (depends on the hub if it does matter or not). Just read what the hub tells you when it does not let you in.
  11. Peerweb dc++ 0.41 crash

    What does peerwebDC++ have to do with ApexDC++?
  12. Possible Virus?

    Maybe "The ultimate trouble shooter" is the malware itself; sounds like that. I mean, these days, such behavior is more and more popular. I recommend using some well-known tools such as Comodo antivirus and Spybot to delete the remains/other threats.
  13. Allow environment variables

    Solved temporarily by doing this <DownloadDirectory type="string">.\Downloads</DownloadDirectory> and this <TempDownloadDirectory type="string">.\TempDown</TempDownloadDirectory> and it works. Much better than C:\ and C:\Program Files...
  14. So I tried to make the preconfigured Apex we recommend using on out university network, better - by setting "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\" as the default download directory, and "%TEMP%\" as temporary download directory. However, Apex couldn't recognize that :thumbsup: Until now, it was set to Program Files and C:\, however, these settings are not bulletproof in most cases because of UAC on Vista/7 (which more and more users are using nowadays). The users then think "it doesn't work" and complain in main chat (sometimes it can be quite time-consuming to navigate them where needed). Please make the use of environment variables possible. I can set them manually in the DcPlusPlus.xml file and on first launch, they could be replaced by the real paths. What do you think?
  15. Literal search?

    I don't believe this is currently possible due to protocol restrictions (at least in NMDC, but somebody correct me if I am wrong). Don't know how it is in ADC, though.
  16. Just a little cosmetic enhancement: In the Finished uploads list, there is an "Open Containing Folder" item in the context menu of the items (or how is it called in English). After clicking it, the containing folder is opened but if it contains some hundreds of files, it's kinda hard to find the one I want. It would be better if in the opened containing folder, the file was already selected. (I know it is technically possible, there is the same feature for playlist items in AIMP2 player I am using).
  17. Aktuálnu verziu slovenského prekladu do programu ApexDC++ nájdete na oficiálnej stránke pod odkazom Customise. Tento preklad je vždy aktualizovaný s vydaním každej ďalšej verzie ApexDC++.
  18. DHT transfers

    Just a simple thought: when someone from DHT is leeching you (or vice-versa), some context menu entries should be disabled or removed; for example Send PM, where currently a PM window appears but does not allow sending any messages.
  19. ApexDC++ and Win7 huge problem

    sooo, this has to be some another problem... just behaves in a similar way.
  20. DHT/UDP

    Big Muscle, thanks, but it did not help. The repeating error messages started appearing 9 minutes after launching apex (and connecting to hubs). DHT number is 884 atm (but raises slowly).
  21. ApexDC++ and Win7 huge problem

    I remember several times I encountered this behavior in the past. However, when clicking a hub tab (or where it was supposed to be), everything went back to normal. So it must have been something with the GUI, not that the mashine wouldnt't have the processing power... However, the GUI is going to be rewritten, hopefully fixing such artifacts...
  22. Op feature

    There is no way of letting the client know the list of registered users (well, at least not in NMDC).
  23. DHT/UDP

    Quoting myself again to BUMP this topic. Maybe it has something to do with OpenVPN? (but it did this even when I was not using OpenVPN, and was connected directly). //as far as I can tell, DHT works (sometimes there is an upload running). But I didn't have the chance to download from it.
  24. I cannot see most of the smilies as they do not exist on the server (try this link, for example).
  25. Bug with smilies in the forum

    Thanks a bunch :rolleyes: