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Posts posted by Crise

  1. I will be very angry if you don't add the features i asked beacuse you told me you would add them!

    what exactly did you reguest? :P

    Fuldc like tabs i remember, and they will be in (even though not on the todo-list), but what else

  2. They do, as long as you don't set it to use UPnP.

    I'm planning on extending my connection check into a connection-help site as well as merely a tool, so hopefully that'll provide the help you requested :P

    They will randomize on direct connection mode as well, so if user wants to disable this he has to use "Firewall with manual port forwarding"

  3. this is more of a problem and an inconvinience. for some weird reason, i cant adjust the sound on my laptop when im in Peerweb (using Fn+ArrowUp or Fn+ArrowDown)

    i was wondering if this would be fixed with Apex

    The notepad is useful. But could there be a feature to save whatever you have just writen down.

    and lastly, Word Filtering. this would be useful for nicknames and such when your name is Johndoesmith and people call you john or doe or smith for short. so a filter that would be able just to highlight the words you want would be excellent

    thanks for the amazing work you guys do. :yes:

    1. Fn being what button exactly?

    2. just close the window when you want it saved

    3. i don't see this too useful, highlighting your nick as just an eyecandy, anyway

  4. Since the requests started in PWDC forum ,then in neXT forum and now here,i just want to know which new features apexDC will have

    The Private todo-list for ApexDC++ was merged from neXT (updated a lot since then) that's all i will say :P

  5. This sound option is in LDC++ too

    I'll look into adding auto update ip every X minutes (haven't yet decided the count of minutes, as 10 seems too often to me) but disable sounds i don't think it'll happen unless i can get it hideable too like that clear chat button :P

  6. He just wants us to shout that ApexDC++ is FREE! :)

    Ok, but isn't it obivious, PWDC++ was free so is ApexDC++ too, besides if i'm correct in this case the license even doesn't allow us to make ApexDC++ commercial, so it should be obivious really :)

  7. We plan to have a quick first time startup guide for the user to select between Basic and Advanced mode. Not sure how easy this will be.

    Also in the Todo-list there akredy is listed that we will possibly have something to ease new users first time configuration :)

  8. Hi,

    First, thanks for all efforts you have put in Peerweb, and now in ApexDC++.

    There are 2 nice features from Zion++ ( that I would enjoy having in Peerweb.

    The first one, in connection settings, in addition to "Auto-Update IP on startup", "Auto-Update IP every 10 minutes". So that when my ISP reset my IP I don't have to type it again (I presently use DynDNS service, but this option would make things easier).

    The other one, in private messages, the ability to enable/disable the sound, so that when you are monitoring the private message window you don't have the annoying sound everytime someone else types something.

    (but you can still enable it when you are doing something else at the same time).

    (I would have add screen copies, but when I want to attach a file I have the error "The requested file upload failed because suitable permissions have not been enabled on the 'uploads' directory. Please contact the board administrator and inform them of this error.")

    Tell me what you think of this.

    There is Disable Sounds button in the toolbar for a reason :)

    And the first one, i'll consider it :)

  9. Why there are two groups of developers from PWDC?

    there isn't here is a short version about what the project has gone through:

    First it was PeerWeb DC++ to the day that Lee resigned from his admin position at PeerWeb, after Lee's resignation it was suposed to become neXT++ but then one day there was a discussion between Nas and Lee, that went something like this:

    I said: it's not meant to be advertising tool rather likely neXTPeer will promote it more than we promote neXTPeer

    Nas said: thats not the point crise

    Nas said: if it was an independent client both sites could promote it

    Lee said: And you would Nas?

    Nas said: as it is, peerweb can't really promote a client called neXT++

    I said: true

    Nas said: but we could promote a third-party client

    Lee said: PeerWeb would keep a link to this independent site on the front page?

    Nas said: i dont see why not

    Nas said: i've made no secret of the fact that i LIKE pwdc

    Lee said: I think that's a reasonable suggestion, but we'd need a domain name and hosting

    Got it now?

    edit: dammit Nas was faster

  10. Emulation Explained

    You ever ran across a hub doesn't let you in with ApexDC++ because one of the following reasons:

    • Hub gives error "Turn on your tags" or something similar.
    • Hub gives error "You are not using DC++, please change client" or something similar.
    • Hub gives error "Unrecognized Client" or something similar.

    All these relatively common problems can be solved by turning on client emulation in ApexDC++, emulation in DC simply put means that you are telling to hub that you use i.e. DC++, but in reality you are actually using i.e. ApexDC++, which usually allows you to bypass errors like above.

    Procedures of turning on client emulation on ApexDC++

    Case A (connecting to hub from public hub lists window or via Quick Connect):

    No need to do anything as when you connect using these two methods emulation is automatically

    used. (assuming that hub is not in your favourites.)

    Case B (favourite hub requires emulation):

    When you add a hub that requires emulation to your favourites special steps are required to turn

    emulation on, as emulation of favourites is hub specific:

    • Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties"
    • Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"

    Special notes about emulation

    • You cannot have 100% undetectable emulation if you use transfer rate limiting as then L:X is displayed in your tag (x = upload limit).

    • When emulating segmented downloading will be less effective.

  11. This was previously created by Satan.

    ApexDC++ and Dynamic IP's

    1) Go to

    2) Sign up for a free account

    3) Go to My Services

    4) Add host

    5) Add Dynamic DNS Host

    6) Enter a name for the host and pick an address (none are better than others really, altho I use

    7) Leave the IP address field as it is, Wildcards and mail exchanger are also unimportant (unless you feel you'll use them) as is backup MX

    8) If you are on a router, enter these details into your router, alternatively download the DynDNS Client and use it.

    9) Install the client and use the wizard to set it up (easy really - if you get stuck reply here and i'll let you know)

    10) Finally put your host name into DC under the WANIP box in connection settings.

    11) Check that you have "Don't allow hub/UPnP to override" Enabled

    12) Check that you have "Auto-Update IP on startup" Disabled

  12. Q: Where can I download ApexDC++?

    A: Nowhere at the time being as ApexDC++ is currently in pre-alpha stage, which means that no actual code for it exist's, yet.


    Q: What do you mean by saying "no actual code for it exist's", isn't this a continuation of PWDC++, so sure there exsists code?

    A: Yes ApexDC++ is continuation of PWDC++. but due to compiler change between StrongDC++ RC10 and RC11, we have decided to start off clean slate.


    Q: Where does the name come from?

    A: Definations of Apex are: "The highest point (of something).", "To reach or go over the top of something such as a mountain."


    Q: Will feature X of PWDC++ be in ApexDC++?

    A: In 95% of cases the answer is yes, as most of PWDC++ features will also be present in ApexDC++.


    Q: When will it be released?

    A: No release dates have been assigned, but aproxsimate time of release will most likely be 1 or 2 months from the release of StrongDC++ RC11.


    Q: Can I be a Beta Tester for ApexDC++?

    A: Only the current beta testers of PWDC++/neXT++ will get position as tester. Please donate if you want access to private betas, for more info see below.


    Q: I was a tester for PWDC++/neXT++, how will i get my position back?

    A: Send private message to Lee.


    Q: What is the "Donator" group?

    A: It's a special group for those few who donated to ApexDC++, so we could get IPB License and have been given access to ApexDC++ beta builds as a token of appreciation.


    Q: If I donate money for ApexDC++ can i get Donator status too?

    A: Yes. Donations provide the project with capital in order to purchase new mirrors, the IPB license and hosting costs.


    Q: Is ApexDC++ free?

    A: Yes.


    Last Updated: 29th of January 2006

  13. Short Guide For Translation

    Use this topic to download the translatable file.

    And translate the strings in there, in my case this entry:

    <String Name="AddToFavorites">Add to Favorites</String>
    Would become:
    <String Name="AddToFavorites">Lisää Hubi Suosikkeihin</String>

    • ä,ö etc. special characters are formatted as they are when using UTF-8 compatible editor, so no *&amp; (star is there to disable auto conversion) etc. needed. (if you don't use UTF-8 compatible editor you need to add these as usual)
    • use enter when new line needed inside string
    • if string has %s etc. that means program will replace it with value so don't change their order (in short: don't touch those, but only translate words around them)

    Special Characters For Non UTF-8 Editors: Click Here