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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Yep that was my thought exactly, but i thought there has been so much effort but in i had to post it :D

    true lot's of effort is put in saying things in lot more complicated way....

    as to me that looks some sort feature graph, and it's not too clear one :)

  2. Just had a quick look at the source and it looks like it is all in C, also it use's GTK library (what does peerweb/strondc/apex use i have always asumed it was MFC) so it may not be compatible. however it shouldn't be to dificult to achive in MFC i think you can just have a function to draw a cpen line at the bottom of main chat window. well my 2p dont know if it is that simple, havn't looked at the code but it would undoubtably mean that this would need to be a chat entry object (or simlar) so that it would scroll correctly, and this means extending a base class. well im starting to woffal now so im going to stop :D

    ok, but i'm trying to avoid MFC, as DC++ isn't mfc project and i don't want to make apexdc use mfc either (mostly because i not good with MFC :))

  3. Do you not need the other files in settings i.e.




    on a side note would something like this be worth writing up for a guide, i found it usefull. its about configuring kerio firewall.

    forgot to say. if so let me know and ill nock something up. mabey cover other software based firewalls aswell. [please move me as appropriate]

    hashindex.xml is listed in lees list, and DCPlusPlus.xml is listed as settings.xml only ones missing are:

    adlsearch.xml (obivious?)

    profiles.xml (client detection rules)

    //fixed name & added missing the ones

  4. Could be constructed a list similar to one that you're talking of blocked users that you've blocked them from sending you personal messages?

    You can transfer this post in feature requests thread. I just wrote it here because it's based on this topic. :)

    • Possibly: Permanent MC and PM ignorelists.

    note that possibly though, so not certain....

  5. An ISP Database like the one in Zion Blue would be great especially for hubs you are an OP in it finds the isp's that are blacklisted and displays them in the main chat for the op who has the client makes it easier to ban the ip range. this is a screen shot of what im talking about

    {I got permission from lee to post it}

    one more feature for the possible op version in future

  6. It's a cool feature of MSN Messenger Plus plugin. Very cool but also very confusing sometimes when you chat with a lot people simultaneously. :)

    I also like this theme. Especially the design of common tasks bar.

    messenger plus huh, i used that once and only ended up getting spy-/adware in my comp, was it with the version i dl'ed or does it bundle spy-/adware in it?

  7. Hmm... well if what I was thinking of is possible then I think it would be enough really. You'd just need a bland/random icon for new icons which were added and then let peole change them to custom ones from there. I don't mean that the user can only use icons you package with ApexDC++, I mean normal .ICO files and such.

    unfortunetly no .icos, bmp's have to cut it (even though they suck in size and transparency)

  8. Heh, it would be nice if you could just choose the toolbar icons from files which contained icons.. if that makes any sense? It is fair enough though to not want to do that, I'd have no idea how to do it, you may not, and even if you did it would may not be worth the effort just for this relatively small feature.

    Greg, you alredy can use your own tb icons, and they can contain any ammount of icons in them ;)

    but still this feature ain't happening as i'd need to add huge ammount of tb buttons, and the solution you suggested wouldn't solve all of the probs :)

  9. (any MS OS with the NT kernel not the DOS kernel)

    it'd probably be more correct this way:

    (any MS OS with unicode support, that is if you want it to be usable)

    as it can run on 89se with all updates and bit of luck but it won't run well ;)

    haven't actually tried it on non dos kernel myself, though... (don't have access to those oses anymore)

  10. Its a bit heavy on the file size.. oh well..

    Sidey, just out of curiosity, what's that DC client between the 2 pwdc's ? never heard of it....

    oh and here comes mine (i like it nice and simple) :

    Clicky Me

    oh and nevermind those 2 dirs there just have stashed some sources of DC clients in them ;)

  11. Haha, I don't intend to ead release dates or anything. My point wasn't that they'd know actual dates though, more that they'd know the progress of the project in the run-up to release and be able to give a more accurate estimate at a completion date than someone who was not. ;)

    i know what you mean that's why i added "(or any info)" but in reality it's not that big deal, but todo-lists etc. (and exspecially binaries, as it reads in the rules too) must still remain private :)

    and yes discussion about betas, must remain in the beta forum.

  12. if not then you may even want to try and force info out of current beta testers or donators? Lol, but that's only if you only care about the beta tester status, hopefully this is jsut a bit of fun. :w00t:

    Greg, if a current beta tester or donator gives out any dates (or any info) possibly posted in beta forum i'll personally make sure that the competition entry that takes use of this info will be disqualified and the tester/donator that leaked the info will get demoted :lol:

    but as we won't be giving any release dates out not even to donators or testers, this won't be a problem :D

    (it's better to do stuff properly and take time rather than rush things to release on certain date)

    but the main point of this is fun, so have fun guessing... (as we aint locking this topic untill very close to release, i'd guess)

  13. However, DC is a different kind of chat enviroment from where I have seen this and it may not even be useful on a lot of (public) hubs but it can useful, and with DC maybe should be for every hub so you can change to another chat then get back and read recent changes quickly.

    EDIT: PLEASE MOVE THIS THREAD TO THE FEATURE REQUESTIONS SECTION PLEASE. Sorry I posted it here somehow. :S Thanks and sorry again.

    you can produce something like this by disabling/enabling autoscrolling and setting the cursor in the position you left...

    as the actual "line marker" feature wouldn't work well as there's a limit in how many chars you can see in chat window (even though it can be made to work, as you can produce a like effect with current client, i don't see why this should be added)


  14. i think all the actions in the menu should be on the toolbar so everyone can choose the ones to keep on it.

    this will never happen, at least not as long as toolbar imaging is done the way it's done now, and i'm not planning on redoing it at least not anytime soon :w00t:

  15. The main disadvantage to NTFS as oppsoed to FAT32 is that it's less compatible with Linux. If use FAT32 then Linux can still read and write to your drives, but with NTFS you can't write to it (well, not properly, yet at least). This an be a disadvantage but for non-Linux users it's not a worry, and Linux users will probably already know this.

    However, as it happens today I saw a case where if FAT32 had been sued it would have saved a lot of hassle. Someone I know had some spyware on there computer and by booting up with a Linux live CD they could simply removed the files which were causing the damager (they could not boot in safe mode). Unfortunatly they are using the NTFS filesystem (it is better really) and this rendered it impossible basically to remove it with Linux.

    True, but as apexdc++ is primarly for windows use, we can't take those in note that run it through wine for example, and i understand there are advantages and disadvantages with this solution, but as this is not a client bug or issue, but just a merely a limitation of FAT32 file system we can't do anything to it, people just have to learn to live with it :w00t:

  16. 1. ^ why this? there is like 50% or maybe more cable and wirless users that have bulded in local share with default internet package, i live in Belgrade and local share is very popular in ISPs here, i belive it's same thing around the world ...

    maybe im wrong

    thank u for answer ..

    yes LAN sharing is common, but i don't think it bother too many if it's downloaded from internet hub aswell, as there will still be room for another "LAN segment"...

    but if you want it so badly you can run too separate instances of the client connecting to different hubs and thus having different gueues

  17. in advance, sorry for my bad english's situation like this , i'm on 3 diferent hubs for example ...

    and i have 3 files to download , for example file1.exe , file2.exe , file3.exe

    It would be nice if i could use option to arange which file will use which hub , fe: i want file1.exe to be downloaded from hub1 .. and file2.exe from hub2 ... something like priority option ...

    This is usefull for people who is having local share , beside internet based HUB.

    The problem is when i connect to internet hub, files in queue automaticly starts to download ... no mater if they are added in queue in local HUB.

    i hope u understand

    2. Beter skin support

    3. Password protected sturtup

    thats it for now

    1. i see your point but i think this would only be useful to you not the other 99% of users'

    2. something will be added, but not much

    3. was alredy in pwdc thus in apexdc as well

  18. I' d like to translate PeerWeb in greek but I need a source file (If you made anyone) with the strings to translate. I don't know anything about programming,etc to build one but It's a piece of cake to translate it as far as I have the strings.

    If you didn't ever make one and you don't have time to create it, just give me a tip how to construct it and I'll do it. ;) I tried to create one based on example.xml of DC++ but I don't know the string names of PeerWeb.

    that kind of xml is created on every build so yes we have it but translating it wouldn't help much as it probably wouldn't work with apexdc anymore :)

  19. Good. It's a nice feature especially if you set PeerWeb to start along with windows. It's annoying to set it every time in fullscreen manually. ;)

    *BTW. Is it going to be a new PeerWeb release? Or these bugs are going to be fixed in Apex?

    it's like this: there won't be new pwdc release, but now we wait for RC11 to come out, and when it's out we see if any of the bugs reported here remain in it and fix them if they do (we do this before we mod anything else) and then we start working on ApexDC++ :)