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Posts posted by Crise

  1. crashed again today

    any thing i can do to fix it?

    delete entire dl que maybe?

    and all temp files?

    dont want to, but will if yall think it will fix it


    one way to fix it for now would be disable segmented downloading, then again apex pr1 is about to come, so you could aswell wait till that :)

  2. Seems like it was to do with searching and adding partial sources to your queue manager.... other than that, we can't help you.

    Look forward to ApexDC++, it's nearly ready.

    Lee, wrong. This is TBI related, have seen this same crash reported before (in the old forums), i belive

  3. You didn't know? Hahaha. :):o

    Yep, i didn't know...

    Build in the Mozilla engine or something if you need to render stuff. :P

    That'd be a bloat, build in mozilla engine just to render few pages, no way...

    But as said we don't most likely need to render any stuff, so no worries :P

  4. thats one of the funiset computer jokes ive herd for a while cheers

    Balder, i am seriously considering changing your nick to Cheers, in here and in TGO (in tgo only if i can get sideys permission though)

    Sorry to say it GS_Death, but I do think it would be a very bad move. It would be massive bloat and make the program worse. I can't iamgine ApexDC++ ever including a web browser. It'd probably end up just using the IE engine.... which would be even worse. I can see advantages to it, but no, it won't be happening anytime soon (I hope).

    Yeah, browser won't ever be added, i have thought adding an ability to use ie's engine to parse a single html page if needed, but that's not likely...

    Edit: also since when have we had a moderator :P

  5. 1. There is such a stupid command in the context menu: "Remove From All", which is placed right over the command "Force Attempt". First, this command is practically never used, second it is close to the oftenly used command "Force Attempt" - and sometimes "Remove From All" was clicked accidentally.

    Please place "Remove From All" together with these which are also rarely used or delete it at all.

    2. Please add an ability for resuming of file-list download. Connection on public hubs is often unstable, user's file-list size is large. In this way file-list downloads in 20-30 attempts, as a result time and bandwidth is lost.

    Zlobomir: thanks for the translation :) (and all the past ones :D)

    aninerbe: i'll see what i can come up with to reduce accidental clicks, about resuming filelists i'm not sure, but will take a look, maybe add an option or something... :)

    edit: Lee was faster you can ignore most of my post, and it's called separator Lee :D

  6. the actual linux version will it be nearly as good as the windows version im asking for a friend or 2 they run linux

    Proably not as feature rich as windows version, but remember good is not same as ammount of features.

  7. How come my stuff is called super seeding? I never worked that out. It has almost nothing to do with seeding, let alone superman :)

    Well super-seeding sounds better than partial file transfer enchantment :lol:

    also to those who didn't know the shape of the logo was decided amongst few shapes, by a poll where beta testers and donators get to cast their vote...

  8. It's not just about the icons, we still have a fair bit of features to add in there before preview.

    Yes, but once we have the icons we can change plans if needed and release earlier, but as long as we don't have them, it's not possible to do that...

  9. Indeed, hopefully we can have a public launch before I go.. so less work is given to Crise and developers to organise a release. :)

    After you get the program icons :D , we can have public preview release any time :stuart: (as i can't promise you final nor even beta, as they'd take much more work than preview release)

  10. You don't need to worry (in case you posted this to avoid demotion) :D

    As next time we will demote testers once the first public release of ApexDC++ is out (no matter if it's preview release, final or beta) and in this demotion we will drop all testers that haven't been worthy of the position during this first set of alphas.

    Oh, and have a nice vacation :)