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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Erm I have found another, although im uncertain whether its directly related with Apex DC, using Apex DC is the first time its happened. This one is pretty severe.

    Ok so I have raid 0 array spanned across 2 160GB sata drives. Ive around 200GB shared and so having installed Apex I began the hashing process.

    After around 70GB hashed, my PC blue screened telling me that my raid driver had caused an exception. I never had any such issues with Peerweb, though like I said im uncertain whether it is a definate bug. Though I have just began the hashing again and recieved the same crash.

    Fortunately it hasnt fried my array and I have no data loss, but I thought it would be prudent to bring it to your attention just incase.

    I hihgly doubt any of our modifications could lead to the BSOD, no matter how you put it...

  2. First is there does not seem to be an option for turning off zone alarm detection. I have used zone alarm with Peerweb for a year, and never any problems. I also hate being told what software I can and can't use by other software, more than once. A warning is apt if the developers feel it is necessary, but it must be able to be turned off (or am I missing the option somewhere).

    That is there look in advanced page, near at the end of the list :)

    Second - There does not seem to be a 'small send buffer' that was on DC and PW - in our country this function has been vital to maintain speeds, as adsl UL / DL are at hisgh variance. I am not sure if the 'write buffer' is the same thing ...

    Both these things are killer functions for me - I'd never change to a client that did not have them.



    I'll take a look to that option :)

  3. The icon in tray does not change, when the private message is received. StrongDC showed an envelope.

    It does change, to nice dark blue version of the logo :(

  4. Question has been this: Is possible to remove the NetLimiter string from connection type? Startup warning is not interesting, but NetLimiter string (any limiter string) is unacceptable for some HUBs...

    Yeah, but you still seem to miss something in my post :(

  5. As a hub admin I would prefer my users not have these features. There is no reason for users to have and use those features, that is for OPs to worry about and if it is in there some users will attempt to set it up.

    users that don't have keys can't use any op features, so there really is no reason to remove them....

  6. So what you want is a skip list on a per hub basis. Maybe this a nice idea.... but how easy would it be, this basically is the seperate share per hub request in its early forms if you see what I mean. There are limitations to the client... maybe this is one of them?

    Share skiplist per hub basis is not likely to happen, as it'd have the same flaws as variable sharing...

  7. You meen not NetLimiter only, but NetLimiter and DU SuperController in all...

    It's as it came from sdc 2.01, never modified anything related to "limiter soft" detections

    and what comes to you notice, read my previous message again...

  8. Notice: Can you quote part of specifications, where is writen, that in case of segment downloading you are sharing *.dctmp ?

    You are never sharing .dctmp, not by the full meaning of the word anyway... (as they never come up on search results, nor filelist)

    and there really is no specs for partialing, not in official level anyway, as only very limited ammount of mods support this...

    Partialing clients (that do it without kad): StrongDC, LDC, PWDC, IceDC, ApexDC. you guys know any more?

  9. In StrongDC++ is built-in NetLimiter detector, BigMuscule written on his board, that in 2.0 ver will be built-in DU SuperController detector (including his often crashs in case when is NetLimiter instalated).

    Two questions:

    1) Are this detectors built-in Apex?

    2) If yes, how to disconnect it?

    It is important for peoples with assymetrical connections (f.e. in my case 4 Mbps/512 kbps, upload is degreed download and my stupid provider`s monthly down/up (together) limit is 20 GB only).

    they are and you can't disable the detections (not currently anyway), but you can disable that startup warning, by disabling "Detect conflicting software" (was renamed a bit from sdc)