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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Close after all downloads complete?

    shareaza and DC one totally different case this won't happen.
  2. Quotes and (fun) stuff

    I thought of this funny idea of posting famous (or not so famous) quotes like: "Life was a lot simpler when we honored father and mother rather than all the major credit cards." - Robert Orben Let's see if this idea flies sky high or crashes down in a moment :blushing:
  3. Zyxel router - I cant search or download

    those ports are definetly too high lover them to four (4) numbers f.ex. 1234 or 1212 etc.
  4. Welcome to ApexDC++

    yes, and no. it's out to beta testers donators and devs only (and the build that is out is just an experimental build done over to old pwdc core)
  5. UPnP

    if the length was around 30 pages it has to be ;)
  6. ApexDC++ OP

    Here is one way though maybe later there will be other oppertunities to get access to betas, but not before first 0.0X version is publicly out...
  7. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    unless BM will hold up RC11 extra long, it will be out this year...
  8. PM Messages

    dunno what he thinks but remember that there is always the possibility that it's not even possible... (when this was discussed earlier i only looked if it was possible to do it at present, never cared to take more in debth look into it as i think it's not important)
  9. PM Messages

    I don't know about that "alot of", but still enough that it won't be worth of it imo.
  10. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    just to clarify sdc is both open (because as long as it's complying with gpl, it's open) and updated, the time between releases is just longer and why we don't base on plain DC++ is simply because, it's just too lightweight.
  11. Better traffic control

    if you have limiter on you're expected to get kicked/banned (reason explained before in this topic)
  12. Better traffic control

    nor stop it...
  13. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    We'd if there was a date to be given, as said countless times we cannot give you a date because RC11 isn't out yet....
  14. ApexDC++ OP

    Why should I? Exspecially considering that I totally suck at any kind of GFX so i wouldn't even be able to make one for myself...
  15. ApexDC++ OP

    Well, i remember this being planned and agreed by me and others, but did SkyNet agree to it too, because that's the part i don't remember anymore <_<
  16. ApexDC++ OP

    we hope thatwe do and also about what to base the op-version in the best choice is SDC, because it's core is/will be upto date when RC11 is out (if it ever is). or is there any op-clients that are based on 0.647 or newer DC++? (i don't come up with any, expect zion++ might be, but not sure about it either)
  17. ApexDC++ OP

    I posted iDC++ i(as of italian)DC++ and yep contacting skynet would be good idea :)
  18. Better traffic control

    not everyone will ban because of segmented dl or limiter, but they will if the limiter is not shown in tag :)
  19. Better traffic control

    no it shouldn't as if we did that it'd be sure to get us banned :)
  20. ApexDC++ OP

    in that case none comes to mind, or does idc have lua (or is it even an op client) too long since i last looked :)
  21. ApexDC++ OP

    DCDM++ (svn) is, or is that too dead meat alredy?
  22. Better traffic control

    Lee, the L:x in tag is always visible, regardless of emulation.
  23. Website updates

    We're doing some updates to the front page, some have already been completed and others are on the to-do list. Things we're hoping to achieve on the front page: Displaying total views per announcement [completed] Using IPB's date and time format to display date posted (e.g. 23 minutes ago, Yesterday, 15:03 AM/PM) [completed] Fix the padding of lists [completed] Reduce padding between ads [completed] Ability for user to distinguish between a standard, new version, and update announcement (different colour) [completed] Pinned topics stay at top of the news [completed] For longer news posts only the first 200 words will be visible on front page (if 200 words is exeeded adds a read more link) [completed] Fix padding of text after lists [completed] Fix color errors, that were to appear if certain conditions were met [completed] Add support for attachments [completed] Move notifications and handy links from welcome panel to notification panel [completed] KP just supplied me with a new forum banner, so go check it out and post your thoughts! Edit: We're hoping to keep new versions and featured guides different colours for 7 days before they return back to their original grey so they stand out. This is why there is a Released tag on this news item. After 7 days it should default back to grey and we'll know it has been successful.
  24. the pirates bay down :(

    It was police bay when i last looked, but now they have database problems:
  25. Encoding selection for main chat & PMs

    remember that pwdc's core is older and it has modifications that are not in DC++ (most from SDC, when it comes to chat procsessing)