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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Apex client version to old?

    Here you go ;)
  2. Apex client version to old?

    It's not (since it's based on pretty new DC++, 0.694) just use emulation to fix it :)
  3. iDemon Feature Requests

    You can simply duplicate the files (f.ex. take .bup and copy it and rename to .ifo) since the have the same TH they are the same file you see (one is backup of the other) This "bug" has howerever been fixed in the currently developed version of SDC, so don't worry... hmm, you must mean path let's see what i can do about this I'll check if this can be done atm. without too much work, and maybe... Well higher resource/cpu usage is expected as ApexDC++ packs much more functionality than regular DC++, but i still agree with you... unfortunetly tho assembler guru's aren't that easy to find.
  4. That's just an issue caused by installing over old install (f.ex. pwdc or older ver of sdc) Edit: regarding the output you should see similar one on hovering over statusbar, tho sometimes the tooltip for it vanishes, and won't come back again until client restarted
  5. How do i can get my download list

    you mean download queue, if so you can't the xml format was changed slightly... (tho it should still keep the files, and only flush sources)
  6. Another Screen Shot

    Manually editting the xml while the client is closed, that's the only way currently... i might have a look into allowing adding of offline users into the ignorelist one way or another, tho i don't see much point in it as spammers (bot's anyway) tend to change nick all the time and/or disconnect instantly after spamming the hub... Don't know for 100% sure as haven't looked into it really but i don't think so, unless i revert it to the old way and i really don't even consider doing that so don't get your hopes up on this one...
  7. File Download Quirk

    Well i'm not sure if i remember this correctly, please correct if wrong. But in SDC, and thus naturally in ApexDC++ when segment is finished and emulation is on, you have the possibility to loose slots (read: connection is actually closed, i think), this however doesn't happen if emulation is not used...
  8. Another Screen Shot

    I have been bit unable to follow this discussion lately but just to make it clear CID functions as unique id used to identify users, and thus supplying an empty CID won't work...
  9. no sign of tags

    unhide the column ;)
  10. tell us who you are

    Now, that was a long time ago ;)
  11. A Video showing a bug...

    please explain the bug briefly in here, and you can upload your video to f.ex.
  12. Clear Chat Button

    or /clear or /cls
  13. Another Screen Shot

    Nope, since i don't think such option is possible anymore (since you need CID of the user to add him/her to favs) :)
  14. [crash][0.2.1]ApexDC++ crashed

    ncie, but i see no file attached :)
  15. Text colour

    replied to your PM :)
  16. Missing files from download server

    heh, correct link is:
  17. Problem with download different files

    True, in this case one is a backup of the other :)
  18. Why make a client that destroys DC++?

    yeah netlimiter limit should be placed as connection type :)
  19. Released: ApexDC++ 0.2.1

    Re-releasing of 0.2.1 is on the way, refer to (updated) first post ^_^
  20. crash

    That's a custom compiled version, and unfortunetly we can't offer support for those (since we don't know if/what user changed, or even that he compiled it the same way we do)
  21. New Pm Icon (Tray)

    maybe but we want the default to be "compact"
  22. Released: ApexDC++ 0.2.0 (Preview 2)

    well it can't satisfy everyone, but we try hard so most would like it :shifty:
  23. No userlist firewall icons

    When you are passive yourself you see them... :shifty:
  24. New Pm Icon (Tray)

    True seeker, but tray icon only needs 16x16 :shifty:
  25. Cancel button in "Virtual Name" box

    True, but not all people agree on that, some think of it as a bug...