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Everything posted by Crise

  1. $Supports BanMsg

    Since it's for informal purposes only will maybe add this, so that it can be used when DC++ emulation is disabled :)
  2. Merry Christmas!

    Nope no snow in the south, some might say it's because i live relatively close to the sea, but that didn't stop us having snow at xmas three years ago and on most Christmases before that... the real reason is the damn carbon dioxide and the increasing greenhouse effect, that's making the overall temperature rise... I can still remember the times when it used to have from 3-10cm of snow at this time of year here and 50cm or more of it in the north, for this year don't even know if they have snow up at the north but they certainly don''t have it here :P
  3. vBulletin Revokes License for moral reasons...

    Bah, don't even know what site that is, but it still seems bit odd considering that they were paying customers... DC network protocol might be outdated, can't deny that.... but i most certainly don't smell The snow performs quite well on my PC (much better than the previous version anyways). As for the last question, P2P clients and even networks are like a knifes, some people use them to cut bread and some to kill people... personally though if people choose to use ApexDC for things that are not approved by the laws of their country, it's their own choice... and we can't be held responsible for it. And if you go to technicalities after people install ApexDC they're on their own as GPL free's us from any warranties etc.
  4. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Xmas from me too, and to those that don't celebrate the aforementioned Happy Holidays! as for mums present, i'd love to buy one for her, but unfortunately i can't do that (no it's not money or anything like that) And as for turkey we're not having one expect maybe some slices, but instead we have a big fat juicy ham Also how many of you're having white xmas, this is the third year we not having snow for xmas here, and i miss it a lot....
  5. Updates

    Now that i can't do (I don't get it, what's wrong with the purple nick )
  6. Well the only news i can give you is that BugMaster claims that he has fixed it, see: But haven't have really had time to look at what/how he did it yet...
  7. Updates

    Just added multiple rank icons mod (by me ) to the forums, enjoy :D
  8. As for the original topic, the reason i answered the way i did (fortasse erit, fortasse non erit = maybe it will, maybe it will not) regarding the request itself is that i try to avoid making promises regarding features (because i want to reserve the right to change of plans, without needing to disappoint someone)
  9. Well you can always use A3 (moment of silence) "Qui tacet, consentire videtur" , couldn't think of a better one here... as the above quote is in some cases true, unfortunately
  10. ApexDC++ for Linux

    Well imo. perfect emulation is what we should aim towards to, i know that it won't be good when looked at operators point of view, and that fake clients can use this to their advantage... but even so linux still doesn't have a client that could be used with "all" hubs unlike windows has vanilla DC++, and linux users deserve such client... (say what you say, but some hubs kick linuxdc++ etc. but in all hubs at least one, and usually most of the more recent versions of standard DC++ are allowed)
  11. May I ask, what kind of programs you have made? As for this request, fortasse erit, fortasse non erit ps: nice to see more finns around here Edit: if you interested who is doing what in here check: (not quite up to date, as f.ex. almiteyvow is no longer retired)
  12. Forum eats CPU

    Yeah it looked very nice, i'm currently comparing the alternate possibilities for CPU usage so that we could put up some more snowing here...
  13. [REQ]Repair files

    that has been gone for ages, as i was too lazy to keep it updated, besides we wouldn't want to spoil the fun from you :)
  14. [REQ]Repair files

    TODO list? hmm afaik we don't have one atm. so you must be talking about some other TODO list, StrongDC maybe? :)
  15. ApexDC++ mod (mostly bugfix release)

    Which ones specifically :)
  16. Updates

    Well the header on the 1.3 is pretty crowded, especially when viewing a topic and i'm using quite big resolution atm...
  17. Updates

    group icons & pips not applied to Support group members, this intentional or?
  18. Remember that in Win 2000 case, it might also depend on what updates/service packs user does or doesn't have :)
  19. The error message means that for some reason ApexDC was unable to collect info that would help us in fixing this issue, so technically i cannot do anything to this unless you find 100% sure way to reproduce it, so i can recreate it on my system.
  20. Updates

    Why not the mouse would be great, i bet :)
  21. how to get ip on startup

    Tsk, Zlobomir you should have masked some more on that pic, now you giving away alpha features (we don't want to spoil the surprise now, do we?) Not that big of a deal tho. :)
  22. Yeah our fix too (didn't take me too long to figure it out, so not that much reason for congrats though)
  23. Updates

    Nope, Staff and Tester Oh and support icon can't really have blue guy, as what color will testers have then?
  24. support

    it couldn't register the association for magnet links that's all :thumbsup:
  25. is now public

    Tossed you a reply to the announcement topic at nextpeer. I wouldn't want to see nextpeer to be covered in dust. (even tho. I not been there nearly as long as some of you :thumbsup:)