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Everything posted by Crise

  1. That's as good as done, still not sure if i'll do the regexp tho.
  2. ApexDC to do the port check?

    that bit was referring to finding a way to do it via upnp
  3. ApexDC to do the port check?

    it uses web service afaik :P
  4. ApexDC to do the port check?

    It's not really possible (i think) because, you can't check locally if the ports really are open for remote connections (you might be able to do something thru upnp, but i don't see much point in doing that... yet anyways)
  5. Added such option for hub windows, for others such option isn't needed...
  6. [Bug] Integer division by zero

    oops , cheers...
  7. It's an existing feature, for hubs that are not in favorites one and same window setup / column configuration is used, but for hubs that are added to favorites their "own" configuration is used instead (which afaik is initially based on the configuration that was used for that window at that time it was added to favorites)
  8. Runtime error! R6002

    When i last ran ApexDC 0.4.0.x builds with media player classic (assuming that's what you mean, as to my knowledge ther is no such thing as WMP classic) i didn't encounter this... but will try again.
  9. Client tags explained
  10. Getting the filelist "error"

    Plenty of topics regarding this already exist... please use those. - Closed -
  11. [Support] Can't compile

    You need to compile stlport :whistling:
  12. Feedback

    How about "View new posts", next to My Controls
  13. Do not show filelist transfers

    It also affects finished uploads/downloads window
  14. [Support] Can't compile

    I put an answer in the comments but might as well post it here... it's a part of DirectX SDK
  15. Help with dynamic IP and active mode

    I know what RTM means, thank you but since you didn't tell that you are an msdn subscriber it's perfectly normal for us to assume that your version would've been pirated as with majority of people that use vista now that's the case (in this forum anyways since ApexDC is a P2P software after all, even if we do not approve nor encourage usage for illegal activities...)
  16. Notification emails from administrators

    Yes we resent the release notification for 0.4.0 as there was a problem with sending emails, but looks like that problem wasn't affecting everyone as you go multiple mails... With all prior releases however i did not get multiple mails (yes admins are set to receive those mails as well)
  17. Help with dynamic IP and active mode

    How can you use official Vista, as it is not out for retail customers as of yet... TLS, you can leave empty.
  18. Blocking specific IP's in ApexDC++

    Zlobomir regarding plugin being 1.0.. that's because a) I don't even have the source code for that dll file (not that i even need to) and check the dll's modification date the plugin was made before ApexDC even existed and it wasn't made by us. And there is not even a need to modify the dll as it works just fine and it's role is only to be a parser for the blocklists. And just as a note, just incase someone gets some smart ideas about GPL and the PG plugin, no as far as i'm aware we are not required to get/give you the sources for that dll file as we are merely using an outside resource, just like we are using f.ex. psapi and we are not required to provide you sources of it either...
  19. Raw Commands

    regarding the ones on the misc page, you ought to read the changelog :)
  20. Raw Commands

    Lee sometime ago there was phpBB2 installation screen there and now the entire directory is deleted... if berlios is playing then they have to have some major problems. Edit: Just ventured into berlios shell server with my account and looks like someone is doing something to this matter... as the directory isn't deleted just renamed.
  21. Raw Commands

    No unfortunately we don't, to my amazement i noticed SDC forums gone today...
  22. Right Click Checking Features

    those RC options are there, but only visible when you have keys, unless i have mistaken what you mean...
  23. Released: ApexDC++ 0.4.0 (Preview 4)

    No it isn't... and it won't be doing that before (Strong)DC++ does that (which is very unlikely to ever happen)
  24. Logs

    Here is one way at least: you can use %[extra] if you have one or both of the options "Attempt to show user ip in main chat" and "Attempt to show user country in main chat" turned on, works assuming that hub allows you to access the ip info or you have initiated a connection with that user.
  25. $Supports BanMsg

    Please consult the authors of these mods regarding the features they consist, this topic only for discussion about the usage of this additional support for informal purposes and informal purposes only :)