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Everything posted by Crise

  1. favorites.xml missing in vista

    Yeah installer is the faulty here... as now that i think of it, someone did mention this to me earlier as well (i have a feeling it was patrol but not entirely sure)
  2. Apex DC++ speed mod

    It is... but it's also not right for the user to take every single (read: too many/most of) slot on the hub or hubs.
  3. favorites.xml missing in vista

    hmmm why is there ApexDC.exe over at settings... seems like the installer needs bit fixing :stuart:
  4. You can select the double click action(s) from settings :stuart:
  5. Blocking individual users is not what this feature is for... so i see it fulfilling it's purposes as it is :stuart:
  6. Right Click on private chat option

    maybe but many of those are considered as "bad" features :stuart:
  7. no afaik in the hub were i tested it the +history is integrated command: that's how it begins and the version of that hub is also not downloadable from, so doesn't look like hand made command :stuart:
  8. anything that begins with !, + or other "command chars" is not reserved by the client afaik :stuart: I tested this on a hub that is running a version of ynhub with +history command (not 1.035 nor 1.036 tho.) and it works there just fine for me on my latest build ;)
  9. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    This means also that it's been one year for these forums as well (as if i remember correctly i created this topic on the day of installation), and thus for ApexDC pretty much too...
  10. [Bug] Can't view text files in my own list.

    But you can't download from yourself... or you can but let's not make this too complicated :)
  11. [Bug] Can't view text files in my own list.

    the keyword there is that the list is your own :whistling:
  12. well you see we sort of can't have guarding.txt... but in any way guarding.p2p is just a text file in the end... so it wouldn't even make any difference :whistling:
  13. Apex DC++ speed mod

    StrongDC++ is derived from DC++ thus ApexDC++ itself is already a modification of a modification :whistling:
  14. [Bug] guarding.p2p "legit" IP banns !

    you can not fully customize it, but yes it can be done, but don't really see any point in that all useful info is there... (though tbh i never noticed those got displayed in trasferview at that point) as for blocking legit ip's the list it uses by default is bluetack's level 1 list (assuming you have used the update function at least once) so we have nothing to do in regards to what it blocks... We only mirror an extracted and renamed copy of the list... (updated by cron job once a month) for the update function, if you use the "updater" more than once a month it directs you to the original gzipped download at bluetack if you choose "to perform manual update"
  15. Peer Guard Plugin

    Oh well, but it still works fine on most users :)
  16. Status progress

    then when users would see the progressbar going backwards at some point, they started complaining :)
  17. Compiling ApexDC++

    Simply because I don't update compile.txt...
  18. Now that's a goood question.... Let's see should i make an exception, maybe... don't know yet, though i could just give you the guest details and the build... or should i just make you wait :blink:
  19. ApexDC++ OP

    That foot note wasn't meant for you (should have put someone in italics i guess)
  20. Favorite hubs categories & download mp3 info

    We already have this and it's called "Bitzi lookup"
  21. ApexDC++ OP

    I will make an exception here and say this... In the last couple of days I have added a few OP related changes... but they are not really new features more of an attempt to make the ones that are there already a bit more user friendly, and maybe even just a tad bit more resource wise... the only one new bigger OP related change that I have added since 0.4.0 is the possibility to use regular expressions in ADL searches... (and no I am not planning on doing much more than what I have done by now, as we still have the plans for a separate OP version and I'll be waiting for that... just got a bit bored of waiting but now i can wait again.) And actually if we'd be going for a 100% separate OP and User versions I'd start to remove the OP features that are there now from our so called "Standard edition" but i honestly don't see any point in removing any existing features... *silently hoping that someone would read this*
  22. Apexdc use less memory and cpu!

    It doesn't close the connection... unless you have DC++ emulation enabled on that hub
  23. It doesn't close the connection... unless you have DC++ emulation enabled on that hub :)
  24. Winamp toolbar position never saved

    It's not a bug... since it was never even made so that the position(s) could be saved :)