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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Show mac for administrators

    But it really can't be done...
  2. windows Me non conpatible

    Just do what the message says you to do :)
  3. lag

    why are you using 0.4.0 in the first place? :)
  4. Sudden crash - Don't know what to do

    How about away message?
  5. [Support]GeoIP flags

    And do you have the file in the correct place? (under settings)
  6. Changing Avatars

    have tried clearing your cache ;)
  7. Tänne voi siis laittaa vikailmoituksista ja parannus ehdotuksista yleiseen jorinaan juttua suomeksi, mutta pysytään nyt sentään hyvän maun rajoissa (ja mielellään ApexDC++/DC++ liittyvissä aiheissa). Jos kielipäätä riittää niin noita englannin kielisiäkin osioita saa toki käyttää, mutta ei nyt sentään jätetä tätä vallan tyhjilleen. HUOM: Tässä foorumissa en sitten vastaa kysymyksiin jotka jotenkin sivuavat asemaani sivuston ylläpitäjänä tai ApexDC:n kehittäjänä... kaikki näitä asioita koskevat ilmoitukset tms. tehdään englannin kielellä muihin osioihin, jos tehdään.
  8. Sudden crash - Don't know what to do

    what's your timestamp setting?
  9. Bug with download

    And the file downloaded with older version works fine?
  10. Bug with download

    How can we fix something that isn't broken (see ifmn's post)
  11. Passive Selected by default

    just tell them that the settings dialog is opened at the initial startup for a reason :)
  12. Passive Selected by default

    ehhh... Lee there is no such thing as passive to passive transfers in DC (not afaik anyways) but still this option remains defaulted to what it is now, no point of discussing about this.
  13. ApexDC++ OP

    Have to agree with you there zK++ is this far the ugliest DC client I have ever seen.... (no hard feelings just my opinion, but i know i am not the only one that thinks this way)
  14. Linux Project Development

    almitey i can arrange that if needed... just say a word (and tell me your SF nick )
  15. fakeshare cheat messages

    that is, technically empty... if you speaking of the "sharesize has too many same numbers in it" message, appearently that cannot be turned off in versions <= 0.4.0 (however this has by now been fixed by Big Muscle, I think)
  16. fakeshare cheat messages

    If the raw trigger was something in/from profiles.xml, they necessarily don't :D
  17. Limiting Logs Size

    just change the log's name property, to change from monthly to weekly As for the other suggestions presented here, i will look at adding an option to do something to over sized logs, but not sure what that will be yet
  18. New RAW

    this has been in the current alphas for a while now, so it will be available on next version :)
  19. there is an option for showing shell menu in few of those places (finished transfers)
  20. [Crash] [0.4.0]

    This version is not compiled by a member of our development team, thus we can't provide any kind of support for it... please seek the original author for support and assistance regarding your problems Closed
  21. Raw Commands

    look closer to the begin of this topic for a link to such list
  22. ApecDC Registry

    yes everything apart the installer registry entries (not important anyway since DC clients don't really even need installer)
  23. ApecDC Registry

    ApexDC uses registry to store few "settings" (protocol handlers to be specific)
  24. but i can add it if someone comes up with a way to make removeOfflineChecks to work with hash_map :lol:
  25. AML 2.6

    Which of these 2 is more likely to last active longer? (read be the main address used from now on) As for myinfo detections i don't think i will add them... the basic filelist/testsur detection takes already enough system resources when enabled... it doesn't need more stuff going on there. As a side note I even tested changing the checking threaded same way as it is in Zion (incl. delays, max limits etc.), but found it to have little or no impact at all, unfortunately...