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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Protected users

    ApexDC++ doesn't use RegExp in that part, use wildcards :)
  2. [1.0.0B2][Bug] Emulation problems

    Detected with what exactly?
  3. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta

    Oh the frequent crash everyone is talking about is now fixed, will upload new binary and source in a matter on minutes... will take a look at other reports first tho. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, this is were hasty release gets us ;)
  4. Locking ApexDC++ 1.0.0B

    It's there but as it says it's only partial fix (if not on the main site then on the beta tester forum it does)
  5. Linux Project Development

    What's with me today, I dunno you tell me? Anyways, why don't we ask opinion from those who originally put the money in the pot, instead of sticking with the "we" all the time, it's still their money you know... they only made a promise to add it to the pot, and promises are to be kept... but that doesn't mean we have the right to do decisions on this on our own, if we decide to change something that was said in the announcement. (this is because everyone that put money in this did it based on the announcement and if something from it is going to change they have the right to have a say in that).
  6. Segmented downloading techniques

    Excelsium: I have merged your post to this topic, and now I see that this issue is resolved, for now anyways... Please no further queries that are directly related to this topic, thank you.
  7. forum down time

    Lee since it affected main page too, that means it was most likely just a mysql outage, so nothing to do with IPB :thumbsup:
  8. Linux Project Development

    Lee, just to remind you we originally asked help only for porting the revconnect code, which is just a small portion of the client code... Ok I admit that DC++'s client project builds (or at least it should) on linux, so that will probably mean some of the work is done on that area, but regardless I could bet that the revconnect code won't be the only code that would require porting in the client code... so don't get too demanding there... Besides if someone f.ex. BM (or any other dev aside me or almiteycow) did both the GUI and the client... we couldn't really call it our Linux version now could we? I am not a linux developer (hell my windows devel. skills are lacking even ) so I can not say for sure, but i still believe even a compiling client part would be a good start. They didn't build Rome in a day, you know... :thumbsup:
  9. Linux Project Development

    Lee, code can work without GUI besides, we never asked for GUI... when it comes to the "prize" money
  10. Linux Project Development

    eh... Lee client and GUI are separate...
  11. Strange Search results - need help!

    We do not support unofficial versions and also this NwN mod of ApexDC++ has many features that would be categorized as leeching or faking features... So in other words you are on your own... - Topic Closed -
  12. Using PG code

    Wise words Zlob... And iceman, I don't think the tone of our replies has anything to do with liking you or not, we just replied the way we saw appropriate based on how you wrote your post... how does it go in English "Treat others as you would like yourself to be treated", or something like that :wacko:
  13. Using PG code

    Hmm, interesting to see you here... Anyways yes the code is from Alum, true we haven't given him credit directly... but neither denied it from him completely, besides we haven't claimed once that we did it on our own. I have clearly stated at least three times that I/we do not have src for the plugin (and at least 2 out of 3 are in public sections of these forums). In regards to bad implementation, true it is bad.. or should I rather say it was bad... and that was not only because of me, but also because the undeniable fact the plugin has it's limits (but you are still rigtht I did it bad to begin with... hopefully you are satisfied by this confession). Since I am at it I can also now give an official statement regarding this. Since 15th March, 6:11:33pm (GMT+2) files PGLoader.cpp and .h are no longer part of ApexDC++'s source code (date and time of the svn commit, files were deleted from my local copy few days earlier). To return to Alum and giving credit for a while, I do have respect for Alum (same way I have for any coder, even you), but there is something which I do not like at all and that is how someone that this matter does not concern comes here and start's to defend other's (in this case Alum) rights... If it would really matter, they have the means of contacting directly to me or Lee themselves, and then we can fix the issue without a need for another link in the chain... As for being a mod of a mod.... There is only one thing which I have to say, why would i need to re-invent something that's already there... you could compare it to every generation re-inventing a wheel for instance :whistling:
  14. Compiling ApexDC++

  15. Share skiplist

    dctmp's have been filtered from share for ages (and yes it is hardcoded)
  16. The solution is his... usergroup ;)
  17. [Support] Can't compile

    you don't need to do anything regarding m_bVertical, if you have correct WTL and STLPort. ddraw.h is from DirectX SDK (which is available from Microsoft) for the itunes error, just disable precompiled headers, for that file...
  18. Status update

    We have been working hard towards restoring the site as complete as possible without having access to our most recent backup of the website. We hope to be able to bring the site back online tomorrow. As for now all we can do is wait... but will be back and better than ever. We're all looking forward in to seeing you all again on the forums soon. For those that don't know what's going on here was taken offline for maintenance on 18th of March due to disagreement with the host but now we are well on the way to coming back as you can see... Update: The site is now online exactly the same as it was before it went down on 18th of March if you experience any problems with the site or the forums don't hesitate to contact a member of the management team. 25th of March: We're deeply sorry for the vast amount of emails you might have received in the past 24-48 hours. The emailer of the forums had caught up in a loop for some reason. We are actively investigating this problem now and hope to resolve it as soon as possible. Once again sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused to you.
  19. Smarter filelist download

    You can exclude hubs from the check on join at present Noctis :)
  20. ApexDC++ OP

    There is no risk that I will ever mix ApexDC++ and fulDC++ because i just don't like that much fulDC++. In regards of copying features from other clients, I wouldn't want to do it too much, but there is also the fact that if certain clients have created good features... why should I "reinvent the wheel".
  21. Apex DC++ speed mod

    Well, well... who did bring this topic back from the ashes? None of us I'm afraid. Anyways, we do not recommend this mod, (200 segements is one of the reasons, but not the only one) and as far as I know it's also kicked out from the official support hub... (hence it not being the official version) the link is there yeah, but if it makes you feel better now that bad link is gone I think our (ApexDC Staff) view has been made clear by now and it's of no use to keep this going further...
  22. Status on MirandaIM plugin

    is this what you looking for perhaps? (by Big Muscle the author of StrongDC++) So yeah you are in a bit wrong place for this :P
  23. See PG homepage or bluetack :P
  24. Status update

    Edit: forums online
  25. Yeah it doesn't because bluetack moved that list to coral cache servers and our cron job doesn't like to get it from there...