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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Downloads Resuming

    Default is 10 minutes (I think), Greg :unsure:
  2. purge TTH database

    use /rebuild
  3. password

    ask one of the hub operators about this one, what Greg is talking about is different password entirely...
  4. waiting users priority

    we can't do that... because there is no real upload queue...
  5. Favorites Manually

    Hum, so what's in this beta then?
  6. AML 3.0

    Yes I have... and the lower total count the better ;)
  7. Favorites Manually

    noctis zK++ is 0.401 based so it doesn't care about CID's at all...
  8. Favorites Manually

    Just tell me where do I get a CID of an offline user first, and then we can think about this :)
  9. AML 3.0

    Toast nicely done, didn't expect the total profile count to drop quite that much though tbh. :(
  10. Zlob, that wouldn't resolve anything...
  11. Nah it doesn't get it... because a) the "real" filename is files.xml.bz2 nad it's CID that is appended not TTH :)
  12. the only flaw in this is that we can't get TTH of the filelist before we have downloaded it...
  13. Settings backup Application

    I don't really do C# but I guess I could be able to work with it if needed (learning is never bad thing and my experience with other languages should be of some use...)
  14. launched

    they are banner or text ads depending on what google decides to give us... (since they are google ads)
  15. [1.0.0B2][Bug] Reconnect function

    Give me an example hub...
  16. AML 3.0

    Please read the post. it's in the works....
  17. [1.0.0B/B2][Crash] FREQUENT

    Zlobomir there isn't exactly too many differences between the last build you got and 1.0.0B (but the differences make difference), but I do admit that a mistake was made even though the build was labeled as beta... but what's done is done, and we have to live with it. It's not like there is an undo button we can press...
  18. This function

    Toast you can do that with client profiles at present... (and you of them all should know that ) But maybe... not like it's that much work.
  19. IP auto update

    I have dynamic IP, yet I never experience any problems... and I don't run DUC anymore.
  20. max open hubs

    The matter that you at some point could "bypass" that limit has nothing and never had anything to do with ApexDC++ itself. it was caused solely because of the fact that some hubs (mostly verlihub based as far as I know), weren't "aware" of ApexDC++ and because of this for some reason they were not able to parse the tag properly or treated it as tagless client. ApexDC++ has and always will report number of hubs truthfully/correctly, end of discussion. In other words: Your request won't be implemented Hopefully I made myself clear - Topic closed -
  21. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    a short addition regarding kicks (and redirections for that matter): Kick: you can universally use $Kick %[userNI]| Redirect: you can also universally use: $OpForceMove %[userNI]| Note: wrote those from memory, will check the syntaxes when i get home :(
  22. [1.0.0B2][Bug] Emulation problems

    Well zion with latest AML is not able to catch it, but I will look at this (I have no experience about stardustdc, as a client that i have really used... ran it for 10 minutes to look it through ). @ iceman50: you can find me in few hubs or contact me via PM on the forums if you think this discussion should continue elsewhere :D
  23. [1.0.0B2][Crash]

    The problem with the "Display full info for filelists" is/was fixed in Beta 2 any other bugs should not go in this topic... and i know what message Gella is talking about. god damnit i feel soo stupid now :D
  24. You know those screenshots are of no use to me, post the full exception info thank you :)
  25. ApexDC++ and Windows Vista

    use dcppboot.xml by default the downloaded files go to InstallDir\Downloads