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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Notepads

    well I do have a way in mind this could be done, but I still think it's something that ApexDC as a program does not really need. if there is enough demand for this then I will see if I could add this... but no promises.
  2. Notepads

    use windows notepad, a great program which allows you to run as many instances as you like :)
  3. Recent downtime

    You all may have noticed that has been unreachable or returning apache/cpanel test page for a couple of days now. This happened because the server the site is hosted on suffered a hard drive failure, and much of the data was lost or corrupted. Now however we are working hard to minimize the loss and come back as soon as possible, and better than ever... in the mean time the main site will be functional but forums will be unavailable until further notice.
  4. Hmmm, I got to take a look then....
  5. Well you see ntdl.dll is the file that contains NT kernel functions. so with just the info that the exception info gives us we can't do anything... As for why vista is the problem, well this seems to be very vista specific so that's all I can say on that... (yes on XP we have crashes in ntdll too but they usually contain more info as to what led to the problem so they are more fixable by us, and also more probable to be truly our problems rather than the operating systems)
  6. New to Apex have some questions.

    Overheating is also a possibility, which could happen easily if you have enough dust inside the computer (and in the right places).
  7. Multi-user support

    <Boot> <!-- ConfigPath specifies where settings, queue and other runtime data should be saved. Relative paths are relative to the DC++ executable. You may use the following variables, which are interpreted on a per-user basis: %[APPDATA] - Application data, typically c:\documents and settings\<username>\Application Data\ %[PERSONAL] - My documents All % variables from strftime with the current time: --> <ConfigPath>.\</ConfigPath> </Boot>
  8. We do not support anything with s in it's version number.... because that's not our client, please contact the author for support thank you Locked
  9. Oh the ignorelist does work just fine, it just has the same "limitations" (which are not really limitations just choices that were made) as the original ignore/unignore feature... As for hub ads there are to on/off options related to those in settings elsewhere As for lua scripts, not a chance... that's not going to happen.
  10. Support VLC Media player

    Toolbars do remember their positions Zlob :crying:
  11. Multi-user support

    That's there already...
  12. Support VLC Media player

    Winamp window (which is what that window is called in other clients) will never be added... I am even seriously considering removing the media toolbar entirely... before or after 1.0.0 final I have not yet decided...
  13. A mixture of options

    most of what you are requesting are there already, not needed or are always on in ApexDC... as for the others most of them have been considered earlier already...
  14. Weird glitch/bug Apexdc++ beta 4

    That's the same effect you get wen pm'ing to yourself... the program must have come to a conclusion that those two users are one and the same... (the one whom the log is from and the one which the pm is from)
  15. Support VLC Media player

    Player supports stay as they are... mainly because they are true pain, as they depend on other software (which are being updated) so support for them may break at any time.
  16. ApexDC++ latest stlport & wtl

    That line is not necessary... if you do things the right way.
  17. More sources and segments

    As the opinions are clear on this subject and various other topics exist for reference... I do not see a need for this one to remain open. (same things have already been said elsewhere, maybe in different words but they have been said). Topic Closed
  18. Close button

    Greg as option I am perfectly fine with that, but when we reach the point there is too many options?
  19. Tab Colors

    bummer, that means I have to get in there before you can catch me :)
  20. Tab Colors

    I can't see any flashing, can you clarify what you mean with that...
  21. Apex 1.0.0B4 an OP client?

    And if the next question is why, that's really quite simple... it's quite hard for anyone to split into two as far as I know :stuart:
  22. Compiling ApexDC++

    Recompile your STLport :stuart:
  23. Noctis it is a bug... :blushing:
  24. He means the problem is vista :)
  25. Emulating other version like 0.691

    Little point in that as it won't happen :D