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Everything posted by Crise

  1. user account control popping up when running 1.0.1

    I already told how to prevent this from happening while UAC is on in my post :)
  2. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.1

    for me it works correctly: [16:32:38] *** User [420]hojo - Sharing 20027 forbidden files including 01 A Place Nobody Can Find.mp3, comment: none [16:33:04] *** User [Apex-VIP]TheJackal - Sharing 32171 forbidden files including 14 - KoRn - Tearjerker.mp3, comment: none Note: I used adl whch marks every file as forbidden to test this... if you are using language xml (read: translation) then check that it has no errors.
  3. [1.0.1] How to retain searches in memory?

    Greg, it is possible... by enabling the autocomplete for search :)
  4. Auto Updater

    is not ope source either :)
  5. We already have this, see max resize lines (under advanced -> experts only) the difference to yours being that it only resizes when it is needed
  6. what's this awful bug

    Well yes and no, it is labeled as stable yes, but it had some issues which should have been fixed in it, but weren't (as you should know) so I choose to disable it as well. Consodering the only differences between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 are fixes.
  7. Plugins

    The major drawback with the current plugin api is that it passes stl types as arguments between plugin and exe... which is not safe, I am currently looking into this and that is why I didn't include any conversion solutions yet.
  8. Plugins

    The plugin api is still in itäs infant stage, I'll gladly take any suggestions (or patches... ) about improving it. Regarding the documentation, it is just as incomplete as the plugin api, but it is there, I guess forum permissions are incorrect somewhere.... Edit: the link you mentioned should work now :(
  9. Compiling ApexDC++

    Feel free to submit your changes as .patch file (other formats are fine too though), because as far as committing goes... I am the only one who is doing that, pretty much.
  10. [bug][1.0.1] - Public hubs window

    This is a bug.
  11. user account control popping up when running 1.0.1

    Well if you only have one account, that account has admin privileges, as if the account Apex is run on is regular user account, what you experience does not happen :(
  12. user account control popping up when running 1.0.1

    Yes, don't use your administrator account as your primary account for daily use :(
  13. That should be in SDC and Apex already... might not be the exact same one though, but something similar anyways ps: the filtering work fine for me (1.0.1), on NMDC hubs, ADC is a different story though :)
  14. no shares shown

    it does so once only anyways so it really doesn't matter though :)
  15. what's this awful bug

    a simple one, beta version versus final...
  16. [1.0.0] - few bugs

    About remembering settings state, mine does it just fine...
  17. Plugin API

    Heh, the plugin api in 1.0.1 is very strictly C++ only... and it has other limitations as well, because we pass std::strings to dll, which is only safe when the build environment for the dll is the same as the exe's (I plan on getting rid of the need to pass strings soon though)
  18. [1.0.0][Bug] Disappearing Queue Items

    Queue.xml might prove useful in this case...
  19. [Bug][1.0.0] Connection settings - Fixed

    Nope we'll bundle few fixes and put 1.0.1 out :thumbsup:
  20. [1.0.0] - few bugs

    1. I assume you mean the behavior of /switch here... it has been removed. 2. Explain this better please, as for advanced being collapsed that is intentional.
  21. [Bug][1.0.0] Connection settings - Fixed

    the ip issues have been resolved...
  22. [1.0.0] - few bugs

    The userlist resizing has been fixed...
  23. Compiling x64 amd

    SSE perhaps, but what about other optimizations...
  24. Auto checking client

    Same place as before afaik :rolleyes:
  25. Compiling x64 amd

    Excuse for commenting here directly, but that solution is not good at all... here is why it doesn't work and what should be done to preserve same optimized code and functionality that in 32bit (because those asm blocks that fail for 64bit are optimized for performance). When targeting x64 platforms in Visual Studio 2005 or later, programmers are no longer able to use inline assembly code as they did for 32-bit code. This forces the programmer to either rely on C/C++ code using intrinsics, or to tediously create a 64-bit MASM (.asm) version of the function.