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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Problem connecting to hub

    That means that the problem is most likely server (ie. hub) side... and it will resolve itself out if you wait patiently. Unless it is happening with every hub you are trying to connect to.
  2. 100% CPU Utilisation

    Read my reply to your other post and if that does not help then you do have to tell us more about your specific setup in order for us to be able to assist you in any way .
  3. ApexDC++ 0.4.0 force closing problem

    Regarding 100% CPU usage, check your TLS related options and disable TLS entirely if you are having CPU and/or connection issues while it is enabled (this is something that has been covered earlier). You do have to realize that when creating a program it is impossible to test every setup and possible combination of options... that is mainly why 1.2.1 was released primarily to address an issue 1.2.0 users were having regarding CPU usage (see above, and do note that we can naturally not affect settings on existing installations) ... had that issue not bee there 1.2.0 would have been the forced update to all, most likely. Because 1.2.0 contained changes that may have far greater significance for people other than the actual user of the client. This is the first and hopefully last forced upgrade that will involve users of earlier versions marked as stable. While I am all for freedom ofr choice there are times when that is just not viable option. I have never considered a forced upgrade just because something is "latest".
  4. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    I'll look into this soon...
  5. latest version not working

    This is permissions problem, earlier versions worked because they were either using virtualization or automatically asking for admin permissions on vista. Please look at the relevant topics on this support forum (topic moved) for further assistance regarding the matter.
  6. [1.2.1] MBR corruption

    Two (or three) things that I'd like to know before I say anything else... from what version did you upgrade from? And was it with old settings or clean install? Also while I am not trying to say that there is no fault in Apex, because there can be and if there is we want it out, but when you tested with StrongDC was the setup you used the same one as with ApexDC (ie. same settings files / settings). Also how was the client configured, what was it doing? Because the differences between Apex and StrongDC are in some very small areas, and in order to track anything down I need to know what of those areas was ApexDC actively using at the time... because if there is fault in Apex it has to be something specific to some option we have but StrongDC don't (because if it was something in the overall code changes that exists between SDC and Apex, ie. what is always used, then we would be having corrupted hard drives all the time).
  7. Plugin disappears on restart

    Since it won't be there for next version don't know if giving an example will be of much use, but the original SamplePlugin that is in 1.2.1 does use it to get the hub url f.ex. Define remotely... I don't think you can actually add filelist download through the current API, one thing that I should definitely change. But you'll have to explain me what you are trying to do a bit more... you have one copy of Apex acting as a server and it hosts the plugin but what will the "client" do (and what it is exactly? assuming that it is either an external application or another DC client).
  8. Plugin disappears on restart

    Basically I intend to remove duplicate events (ie. CHAT_OUT, PM_OUT, CHAT_IN, PM_IN because you can get all of them from HUB_IN and HUB_OUT with little extra work plugin side). This all based on feedback gotten elsewhere. Unfortunately it will make the API little harder to use though. Also the way information about objects comes and goes is changing (since the present getObjectInfo, is awful imo.). as well as some minor changes regarding plugin loading. So I guess that kind of sums up to a complete overhaul. But since you are actually someone using the API (the first one after me that I am aware of btw.) any extension or other ideas are very welcome, to make the API more usable to others.
  9. Plugin disappears on restart

    Put it in "Plugins" sub directory of ApexDC++ directory and it will auto load. Edit: The plugin api will go over some changes in next version btw, hopefully this will be the last set of bigger changes...
  10. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    Modifications such as? If you mean the style, that's hopefully something that will be worked on in the near future... Anyways about emoticons, some were left behind on the old boards, and they will be moved over soon.
  11. Separate Hub Usage Statistics

    The response is in above reply, quoted from myself (or am I not part of the staff? ) We have not dismissed the idea, but haven't really decided on it either... only time will tell if and how this could be made.
  12. Missing GeoIP Flags

    I will look into it, but unless someone updates the image (since you don't want me doing that trust me, just get someone to add it to the end of the image me looking at it is no good at all...
  13. Subdirectories won't download!

    It's the difference between "Browse file list" and "Get file list" Use the later one and it will work as you expect it to (you can change the default from Settings >Advanced > Experts Only)
  14. Celebrating 4 million downloads

    Yes plus the alerts seem to actually be sent multiple times in some cases...
  15. Please refer to the below topic for further assistance: It's a problem with the permissions you run ApexDC++ under (which we could have told you right away had you mentioned to us about the error message in your status bar). Anyone else experiencing similar problems with 1.2.x should also check the above topic, since it is very likely that the reason for the problems is the same.
  16. I use Vista and 1.2.1 in perfect harmony... please tell us more about your specific setup, because neither I nor any of the other users I know that are using 1.2.1 with Vista have any significant issues with it.
  17. Downtime update (back online)

    Just to for the record nothing was deleted, everything that is not there anymore was lost, while the data loss is unfortunate it is something everyone has to live with even us admins as we too lost some of our own internal discussion topics as well as other data in this incident.
  18. Memory leak?

    Sure, no doubt, there are memory leaks (most complex software have some) but just knowing that they are there doesn't really help in tracking them down :)
  19. Discussion may commence here :)
  20. AML

    It's no longer maintained, in other words it is discontinued and outdated. That's all there is to it.
  21. 100% CPU Utilisation

    I am looking... but don't know what I should say... for now.
  22. Runtime Error

    In this case I'd say that the balloon popup in the screenshot is more or less related (or even the cause) for these errors
  23. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    You have to use different port number than in the other two boxes (if you use 1413 for TCP/UDP, you could use something like 1414 fpr TLS).. also TLS port is just another TCP port if I remember correctly :)
  24. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    Correctly configure your TLS ports and it will work just fine (both you and the "destination" user must have configured them correctly).
  25. Search results include myself.

    It does actually do that afaik .