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Everything posted by Crise

  1. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    There is no setting for it right now... Edit: I originally did not like this change either (it's part of the StrongDC merge), but I gave it a few days and now I don't hate it anymore. (I am on a white background though).
  2. I will look into why this happens, but it's quite probable that this is another change from the StrongDC merge.
  3. [1.3.0] IP Country Flags Gone

    It's part pf the SDC merge... it was put on the changelog separately precisely because we knew it would create lot of these kind of issues.
  4. 1.3.0 Auto update IP on program startup

    It has been removed, since it overlaps with the feature to update ip on DHT firewall check.
  5. "windows-1252" language bug?

    That looks like an interesting one... are you using any language file?
  6. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    For starters the delimiter is in fact blue... and also standard windows visual effect... check your explorer.
  7. Imported Logs Not Recognised

    The default logs settings in Apexdso separate logs based on month... you can prevent this by changing those settings yourself. Regarding the matter of localised month names they come from windows so that shouldn't be a surprise.
  8. While I see the purpose for such feature it isn't exactly the simplest thing to implement (well that being said without SDC's upload queue it would probably be easier to implement, but since we have the said upload queue...). Slots system also was never designed to be hub dependent, so that would also complicate things (altho with hubhints there it could work but only to a point I think). Edit: also such feature as this has potential to decrease the amount of total available slots on the network (ie. users would only open minimum amount of slots for each hub). Also it would probably be seen as negative feature from hub owners side because then the real slot count would not match the available slot count on a hub (which would we report in tag?)
  9. There is already an option to use the details entered in favorites to identify hubs...
  10. Spam Filter in PM's

    You could actually use separate PM window if wanted... if you send PM to yourself. :whistling:
  11. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    Who knows might be faster this time around...
  12. /rebuild is your friend :whistling:
  13. ApexDC for external HDDs

    Anyone want to provide a patch... because personally the way it is now does not bother me at all (and yes I use external hdds), and right now I am concentrating on different areas altogether...
  14. Old-style flags

    Actually Use old-style sharing interface might be very important option if running in certain environment (f.ex. Wine, though I have not tested if this is actually the case). Anyways this is something that falls to the "you can't please everyone" category. If our goal was to please every user who has ever used Apex there would be a whole section in settings called "Legacy Behaviors" or something like that. About those other options you mentioned Hide hub topic is something that goes way back, it certainly predates ApexDC. On the other hand Enable $HubTopic support is something that was added because I hated $HubTopic because the topic as we all know is already in plain view in most cases so this added system message was just a bother to me. The thing with these kind of options is that the line has to be drawn somewhere and I decided that two things would be the deciding factors.. one the amount of code two the addition of otherwise unused resources. I f.ex. to this day like some of the old blue icons ApexDC had way back in 0.x.0 series better than those we have now, but for the reasons mentioned above an option to allow this has not been added.
  15. ApexDC++ x64 binaries

    It is possible to compile ApexDC as 64bit executable... or should be at least (haven't tried it in ages). However, you have to do that yourself, since for the time being I do not even have the means to actually run 64bit binaries myself among other things.
  16. Old-style flags

    Nope they are not there... what slawekebi suggested was that you yourself swap the image to the old one by using Resource Hacker of some sort. But be advised that if you do this then the replacement png should have the same amount of flags as the current one (ie. the image from say 1.2.1 will not do as it is). Also the process of doing this is not supported by us and we reserve the right to ignore any and all support requests or bug reports coming from a person we know has done this. Above may come of as harsh but our general policy is that we do not support modified versions of ApexDC here and simply to be fair and consistent this policy will hold no matter what kind of modification has been made or how it was made.
  17. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    Yes, I am very sorry for neglecting the great resource you testers are .
  18. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    I can't say yet, but I should know it by the day before the day after it is released .
  19. Could be I am behind with the merges big time 1.2.2 was just "something, for now" type of release not even built against my current latest/working sources but selectively, and quickly (believe it or not), from 1.2.1.
  20. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    Yes, although that was wrong judgment... appears it was just a stupid mistake by me , anyways fixed in next version
  21. I looked through the relevant code real quick just now... and can't really see a case where global settings would be preferred if hub specific settings are available. Well except for one, but that has to do with uploads not downloads. Although I may have missed something.
  22. [1.2.1] Queue Bug

    Don't worry this seems to be purely visual bug if I understood correctly, a simple restart might do the trick...
  23. port 3724

    Probably you are on a hub that is vulnerable to the CTM exploit in the NMDC protocol. There is plenty of information about this on the web.
  24. mulptiple ApexDC++ instances

    Probably the ever so popular different shares on different hubs . It is highly unlikely that any faking that you may achieve with just running two or more different instances of a normal client at the same time is effective or even possible (I have not really looked into this). As for harlequin, I added a commadline switch for suppressing that dialog box quite some time ago, if I recall it was /q but not sure.
  25. Hub can hide operators share to a certain degree as well... and same goes for client side implementations it is known that they are not perfect but at least as far as "Hide Share" goes I have not yet heard any complaints, so I don't really care too much (because OP's should be the ones using it anyways). As for Burek, for your problem it is possible to have two copies of the same hub in the list either by connecting via different listening port or by using the protocol prefix on one item and omitting it on the other (well works for NMDC hubs anyways, ADC hubs probably do not permit it because CID will be the same).