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Everything posted by Lain_13
Hunspell better then aspell 'cos hunspell based on aspell and implement some really great functions and support more languages. Also dictionaries for hunspell really smaller (on HDD and in RAM) but much complicated. For aspell in Russian words you need to add words "работает", "работал", "работать" e.t.c. as separate words in hunspell it's one word with modifications. Also it work in a other language with many versions for one word in various cases. E.g. in English "work", "works", "working" e.t.c. p.s. Aspell and Hunspell still have troubles with languages like Arabic. In this language words on paper written without spaces.
Everywhere where I found sounds for actions I'm try to DISBLE this annoying sounds. Why? 'coz I like silence... rly like. I like to hear music and don't like disharmony and cacophony. Try to add sound for dload start, dload complete, upload start, upload complete, incoming PM, pressing key on keyboard, sending message to PM, sending message to HUB... Now start downloading big folder with images and talk with somebody... and play any music in you favorite player... what you hear? CACOPHONY!
Thank you, MiRaGe. I'm try this program. I think it's all I need. :)
Hmm... Apex is really good DC client... ...also Apex have big range of internal and external commands... ...some commands can be executed by pressing hot key... ...something not... ...something we need type in chat manually... ...but we can't type command in chat by pressing some hotkey and we can't use alternative hotkeys for already existing commands... ...also we can't control DC outside they window... What about creating hotkey manager? Something like in foobar2000. But add ability to create manual commands... for example for chat commands... I'm wrote about using Ctrl+F to add text "/f" command in chat... What about special syntax? Like "/f %s" - replace chat string "%s" with "/f" + "%s" if user press hotkey... And so on... :)
I say about really simple procedure... not QoS. QoS -- reserving part of channel for some programs (and dynamically change this part). But I don't see any game, what use QoS. I say about... remember how you setup FireWall for blocking\allowing access to network for programs. You select executable file of the program and when firewall see what this program executed and try access network -- they give\block access to network for this program (I know, what firewalls doing this in more complex way, but we need to know only this). In DC in config on special page user add to list path and name of executable files which DC must monitor. If one of this files started (or trying access network) -- DC instantly enable "limited" mode. Constantly limited, not dynamic. Like click on "Limit speed" button on toolbar but automatically and with another limits (specified on page with list of programf to minitor). When program closed (and only after this) DC remove limitation. I'm don't say about monitoring network activity of program. Program started -- limitation enabled. Program stopped -- limitation disabled. Not QoS. Also auto-limiting mode need for decreasing use of CPU when user start some program which need all power of CPU (...yes, it's games).
Universal Smilies .. or something like that.
Lain_13 replied to dagoburd's topic in Feature Requests
Emoticons -- I'm hate it (but in most cases forget to disable) coz they break text and concentrate perception on them. Replaceble emoticons -- good idea, coz some peoples want see another em-ns... If they want -- they can. But em-cons codes everywhere identical. Also you can make little one-letter-size em-ns. Customizable emoticons -- bad idea! Coz in every pack used unique em-codes! And we in this stupid condition... How to resolve problem? Exist tree ways! 1. Limit number of emoticons and HARDCODE em-codes for them... Oh! I'm already hear cry of peoples who like em-s with angels, dogs and other useless stuff. 2. Create some standards for giving names for em-codes and make list of regular em-codes... AND if em-pack don't use standard naming and have em-codes not from list -- FORBID loading this pack! If author of pack want add new em-n they should say "please add this new stupid em-code to the list"... (and those, who manage this list should say "No! It's crap!") Right... this way maybe impossible. 3. Include em-ns into message and send message with imagefile... But this way -- really stupid way. And don't try make uni-em-pack... coz in next new em-pack some stupid guy place new em-code! -
Universal Smilies .. or something like that.
Lain_13 replied to dagoburd's topic in Feature Requests
Oh! Sorry for doubleposting... Please remove this message. -
For online games best solution is automatic speed limitation. DC will monitoring processes and, if found one of predefined, will automatically decrease speed. After closing this process -- limitation must restore to normal.
I'm also use long pwds. Why not to increase size of window for pwd???
Hmm... Maybe you searching something like this: http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=717?
Wow! There is really interest ideas about bolding text on tabs. I'm also like fulDC settings for tabs. p.s. 2Seeker: 10x. There I'm was wrong, 'casue don't use search. :D
Hmmm... Nice idea. Really nice idea. I'm also hate this filelist U\L progressbars. 10-15 peoples download my filelist at same time! I'm really don't want know they progress! :D
Identical width of bolded and normal headers of hubs, PM and e.t.c
Lain_13 posted a topic in Feature Requests
Now if tab-name written in bold they width bigger then width of tab with normal text. What bout ability to fix width of tab? It's annoy when tab in the and of row, 'cause if they name bolded they jump to begin of next row and when I'm click them -- thy jump back. Also it's annoy when many tabs bolded one by one. For example. Original state: | Extab 5 sgsdfgsdhsd | | Extab 1 adfdf | Extab 2 bbfsdsdg | Extab 3 dfdsg | Extab 4 d |_.(here width limit) Bolded state 1: | Extab 4 d | Extab 5 sgsdfgsdhsd | | Extab 1 adfdf | Extab 2 bbfsdsdg | Extab 3 dfdsg |__________.(here width limit) Bolded state 2: | Extab 4 d | Extab 5 sgsdfgsdhsd | | Extab 1 adfdf | Extab 2 bbfsdsdg | Extab 3 dfdsg |_________.(here width limit) -
Different filelist tab icon(s) for offline users.
Lain_13 replied to Ð.Sp!dér's topic in Feature Requests
In Apex Speed Mod you can click in PM page and see "Summary user report" (yeah, Ð.Sp!dér also use this mod). In this menu you can see how many slots have user, how big they share, what files they want download and all names of this user on all hubs... Yes, this feature really show ALL names of this user on all accessible hubs! If user on hub A and B have nick "nick1" but on hub X they have name "nick2" I see it! Why not to create uniPM window with using of this feature? If user goes out of hub A why not to automatically switch PM to hub B? p.s. Also this mod show when extraslot for selected user will be closed and can store information about extraslots for users in special file. If you add extraslot for user on week and restart DC in the middle of this period user still have extraslot! In this mod exist 'ban' function and speed limiters of users in favlist... It's not so good for spirit of DC, but in this mod already exist really many useful (and unique) functions! -
What I want to see in new sharing interface: 1. Ability to merge 2 two or more different folder into one. 2. Ability to create more then one level of virtual folders. 3. Ability to split share from one folder into many. Example 1: My friend have 2 TB (it's not a joke) of anime on 6 physical drives. On every drive they have folder 'AnimeN' and some other folders. They can't merge they collection into one folder without merging HDDrives into one claster. But if any drive in claster damaged -- all information lost! On this moment they will share they collection in 6 different folders (right it's 'ANIME1', 'ANIME2', e.t.c.). With merging feature they can create one folder 'Anime' with all files from all folders like 'AnimeN'. Also anybody who browsing they share will go inside of every 'AnimeN' folder and searching for something. With merging feature they see one HUGE folder with all they want. It's cool, right? Example for 2 and 3: I have folder 'video'. In this folder I have folders 'amv', 'gmv', 'films', 'anime', 'fun', 'documental'. Also I have folder 'video.demos'. But this folder outside from folder 'video' and physically exist on other logic drive. I want to share folder 'video', but I want to see folder 'anime' and 'amv' outside of this folder... and folder demos -- inside with name 'trailers'. Like this: video // virtual folder with binded folder 'video' to them and hidden folders 'anime' and 'amv'. --trailers // virtual folder with binded folder 'video.demos' to them ----games // subfolder from 'video.demos' ----films // subfolder from 'video.demos' --gmv --films --fun --documental anime // virtual folder --video // original name is 'anime' --amv I don't want to physically move folder 'anime' and 'amv' outside folder 'video' on my harddrive, also I don't want creating folder for 'anime' and 'amv' and share it. Now I can't make structure like this without moving folders 'anime' and 'amv' outside folder 'video'. Also... what about little progressbar on status panel with progress of updating filelist and sharing new files?
3 errors: 1. missing ] in index expression ips_attach.js (line 1) +ipb_global_lang[' title='"+ipb_global_lang['general_error']+"' /> "+ipsattach.status_msg;}else{_html+="<!-- Alt2title --></ins><img src='"+this.images_url+"/folder_attach_images/attach_ok.png' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='"+ipb_glob 2. ipsattach is not defined index.php?act=pos... (line 2541) 3. document.cookie has no properties index.php?act=pos... (line 734) reference to undefined property obj.mode
Сброс медленных источников фиксирован на определенной скорости. Например я поставлю 100 кбс. И что? Если буду качать с 10 человек по 10 кбс каждый, то 9 из них будут отброшены! Апекс должен фиксировать быстрейших и качать как можно больше с них. А если все быстрые скачаны -- прерывать самых медленных и продолжать с быстрейших. Dropping of low-speed sources is fixed on some speed. If I set 100 kbps limit and try download from 10 sources with 10 kbps I'm lose 9 sources! Apex will remember fastest sources and download as many as they can from them. If all segments from fast sources already downloaded Apex will drop lowest and trying download from fastest.
Want we or not but many peoples don't use apex. They don't want to lose they favlist (users) or don't know what it is! I like Point_Alpha version of resolving problem but I think Apex must remember top10 fastest downloads (of online users) and if current speed too low they must drop slow connection and try to load from fastest...
Terminating downloads from people using oDC-based clients
Lain_13 replied to Ð.Sp!dér's topic in Feature Requests
Hmm... In my local network my full upload speed is 10 mbs. Usually I'm limit it to 1. In my share more than 300 Gb of files and I'm absolutely not pissed when somebody can download this information. If I can't download filelist from somebody and see -- thy download from me I'm write to them little message with advertising to switch on ApexDC or StrongDC. Usually they asking me "Why?" and I tell them WHY. And they trust and installing ApexDC. On this moment only one man say NO... Poor dummy boy... I'm limit they speed to 1 kbps (I'm use "ApexDC speed mod")... p.s. As I say earlier "Favorite Users" not ideal name for... "Favorite Users". In speed mod in favlist I can limit upload speed for some peoples and, also, ban them fully (they can't download from me anything) or make them "SuperUsers" (no upload speed limits in all cases). -
All forgot about this feature? What plans?
What now: 1. If one user exists on more than one hub I need to add them into favorite list on every hub. And, as result, I'm have long list with many same nicks and various hubs... 2. If on one of hubs exist somebody with same nickname (see 1), how can I understand what them isn't needed? Compare size of share and other data... hm... but if I'm need them too? It's not so easy to find them in favorite list after adding (if first user already added for 5 hubs)... 3. If user add to them favorite hublist new hub and I already have this hub in my list... how can I know what they appear at this hub? Search manually? How resolve (IMHO): 1. Add ability to autosearch users in favorite list on active hubs... periodical or manual (button, menu, e.t.c). 2. Automatic merge identical users on many hubs into one position (show hub names in one line). 3. If user exist on any hub - mark them green, but mark hubs, where them in off-line state by red color. 4. Something else? p.s. Sorry for my bad english... :)
One more reason for enhancing fav.lists. In my network exist really interest hub. Minimum share required for enter hub is 100 Gb. Yes. It's hub for those, who want to share. But exist one more rule - every who use this hub must add all peoples from this hub in they fav.list. I think it's good idea... but not so easy, right? How I do it now? I select all users on hub, select from popup "add to fav.", going to fav.list and marking new users. Also I have users not from this hub in list. I don't want add extraslot for some of them. It's really strong to manage this list. ) What ways to resolve I see? 1. Extraslot for group (maybe I wrote about this somewhere in previous posts... or not?) 2. Additional checkbox in fav.hubs. In hub Options window we can add checkbox "Grant extraslot for all users from this hub." (by default in disabled state). Second way resolve my problem absolutely, but I don't know did this option can be really useful for other?
I don't try but isn't "/n" construction work? Or did you try copy/paste multistring to appropriate field and try to "spam"? If first not work I think it's need to be implemented... But not only for winampspam! For ALL MESSAGES IN CHAT WINDOW! For example it's can be used for multiline away message or other... It's all useless functions but really simple to implement... With this operator... Also need "//" for showing "/"... p.s. Forget about this...
Useless function... Absolutely Useless Function... :whistling:
Interest idea! Magnet path already exists, this is next step. Specification: dcpath://<user_name>[@Hub(Address|IP)[:PORT]][/path] <user_name> - general parameter. If hub not specified - DC try to load filelists from all users with same name on all active hubs. [@Hub(Address|IP)[:PORT]] - can be specified domain name or IP of Hub. If hub use specific port - PORT parameter must be specificated. [/path] - path in user's filelist. If specificated when list loaded this path must be opened. In DC UI add to popup menu for users and folders position "Copy->Path".