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Sound for commands

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Translation of

"Здравейте, имам следната идея всяка команда да бъде подкрепена със звук. Реших го спонтанно. Идеята ми дойде ползвайки и разглеждайки много клиенти за DC++. Заемам се лично с тази задача, както и ApexDC++ да има запазен знак - звуков файл.Приемам всякакви идеи и предложения относно звуците на емотиконите на Peer Web. Благодаря на Всички които ще подкрепят тази идея, за да стане ApexDC++ достъпен за всички възрасти и най-вече за тинейджърите.

Късмет и успех на съставителите на Apex DC++ !!!"

Hello, I have the following idea - each command to have its own sound. I decided this spontaneously, using and reviewing many DC clients. I am taking this task personally, as well as Apex to have a reserved mark - sound (at start - translator remark, we spoke about it). I accept any ideas and suggestions regarding the sounds of the PWDC emos. Thanks to all who will support this idea, so Apex may become available for all ages and mainly for the teenagers.

Good luck and success to the developers of Apex DC++!!!

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Everywhere where I found sounds for actions I'm try to DISBLE this annoying sounds. Why? 'coz I like silence... rly like. I like to hear music and don't like disharmony and cacophony. <_<

Try to add sound for dload start, dload complete, upload start, upload complete, incoming PM, pressing key on keyboard, sending message to PM, sending message to HUB... Now start downloading big folder with images and talk with somebody... and play any music in you favorite player... what you hear? CACOPHONY!

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Well, if the Staff decides, we could have a poll, I am not happy with the idea of translating each opinion to the author of the sounds. My personal opinion is that a start-up sound will be great, if done well.

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