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Everything posted by StanleyTweedle

  1. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    Hub is highly customized Toast. The base version number is irrelevent.
  2. Fastest Download Speed?

    Well, speeds in Sweden.... what can I say. Point is, Apex seems to be doing well and it behaves @ 100Mb/100Mb so... in answer to this thread..... the client will perform up to your max limit. :)
  3. [request] ApexDC++ for Symbian

    I think this has potential.... next step in P2P interfaces?
  4. Spam in public chat

    You can do any kind of message using a raw command that you can trigger in the right clicks. But be warned.... if you advertize without the hub owners permission you will probably get banned. If you do it in the "wrong" hub, the hub you advertized could get attacked because of you. I know that it is hard to get users in hubs but this is what the hublists are for. A timed message from a client is however not possible. If what you want to do is send information to HELP users in the hub or on DC, post your request here so everyone reading this thread can get fresh ideas and learn from the answer. The support team is here to help.
  5. Apex Script

    Seen this bot. Maybe it would be a good idea to set the option "Disconnect users who leave hub" as standard in new clients then the user can uncheck it later if they want, when they get up to speed with the client in the future. If anyone needs more details about the bot please contact me on any of the TAN hubs. I will not post info here about it for obvious reasons. Sidetrack .... I will fill you in.
  6. Well. There ya go. I broke it. This always happens to me. Upon connection to a hub the client does not send my
  7. [Bug] The client does not send certain characters upon login.

    Tum ti tum ? lol
  8. [Bug] The client does not send certain characters upon login.

    Well it works OK with my DCDM. First time it has ever happened. Took me a moment to figure out what happened. I was allowed into the hub but I ended up as a peep because the