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About A_Alias
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Bummer ... didnt see this message before i send out my email ... sow only the first message at my screen .. thats what you get if you use an old 14" monitor. lets try it one more time with edited subject line ... A_Alias
A_Alias started following 1.2 Development Update
and ... as we are one month later is it stable eneuf for the bigger public ??? about those world languages ... would that not work like finding out the weel again into each language ... or are those mods translate mayor problems and fixes for it so that the whole group of users can read about it??? A_Alias
A_Alias started following ApexDC++ OP
I stopped to use the detection by beta2 some clients crashed during the try to connect to a hub when APEXDC++ 1.0.0B2 directly pulled thier share list ... by zion you could use a delay to pull thier list after connecting to an hub. (and bigger hubs have a hard time at startup after a crash or if i login when apex try to check all list at once) so on top of the delay to check users something like check max 5 to 10 users at once would solve that. stil i think it would be even better to put those checks into the hubsoftware or hub bot that will safe that to many ops try to do the same tests and waste resources that way. whats also needed is more flexebillety ... aka users whit an bad internet connection who jump in and out a lot ... those should be only tested like one time every xx HR ... an easy right click function to ad users to various trusted/check levels ... aka total bypas ... check once a week only (based on thier nick and ip or CID .. the last one would be maybe even better couse it will work better for those who hae an dynamic IP) than we have peeps who are an op at multy hubs ... like 5 or 10 ... most users have the same intrst and thats why i would like to pull thier list based on IP+nickname ... now i pulled lots of list serval of times on divrend hubs ... and some of those users have big sharelist over 1MB also it would be nice if Apex can see if any other autochecking clients are around ... so that an user dont have 10 or more ops that try to pull his list if he connect to an hub. maybe set it by levels if there isnt an op client that use an higher level .. than your client start todo the job. and an easy setup that ops who do the detection .. let it autopost to opchat ( or pm to listed ops ) by favorite hubs that would be nice. lots of users dont seams to like if thier list get pulled to much. another one is a more advanced ADLSearch like zion have those forbidenfiles(or searchstring ) folders it would be handy to get multy(or searchstring ) folders forbidenfiles .. that giv a a better overview ... not all forbiden files are a kick or ban .. if the get splitted up an op can se more easy if its just a warning ... kick ... time ban or permban. zion have those right click to open an URL like WHOIS and to search at hublist.org would like to get that into apax too but that more flexible ... not hard coded into the client but on a base you can easy make RC and / commands that handle URL (airdc have one but its limmited to / commands only) well i might have to wait whats all inside the beta3 and see than what can be made better. A_Alias
those checks pulled a lot of uneeded file list for regular users.. would be the best to have this future only in OP client. what if a regular user found a cheat ... he only can start to bark to that user but cannot bite. and even if it comes a part into the OP version ... it would be nice to have a rightclick to easy ad a trusted level(s) for a NICK but include the curent IP or CID ( yeh include ip or CID to check if user Bob on one hub is the same as the other Bob on the other hub ... as most ops are on multy hubs ) also the check on connect need to be reduced ... for example if an op have a bad connection to a hub and reconnect ... it shows all users as fresh connected and started to pull thier list (( thats what i know from zion++ i did not tested the one from apexdc++0.2.2 yet)) so check the same nick+ip max twice 24 HR would be nice ( even better if those default max check values can be adjusted ) personal i like to have this levels trusting level 1. unreg reg check on conecting max 2 x into 24 HR trusting level 2. peeps you think you can trust max 1 x into 48 HR trusting level 3. vips and oldtimers at the hub max 1 x a week trusting level 4. ops and above (why not) max 1x a month bad shares should also be looked for with an advanced ADL search that can do PM users + oproom , kick or even ban for bad files ( a easy way to ad bad TTH strings to ADL search would be great too ) afcourse with setings to limit for search frequences i can imagine to many searches would be bad in the bigger hubs. A_Alias PS would it be poseble to write a bot ( for all common hubsoftware ) so that there can be created a trusted list and that that list get loaded to ApexOP client??
I think its fine the way it is ... think about all those double file names peeps can have at thier share. for example some tools have default names ... for audio files track01 , track02 ...... are common names. if you dont check the TTH and remove a set of files ad a new set of files with indentical names how can the client know its the same set/file or a new one. the only safe way i can think on is to ad a function to Apex to move folders so it know than it must be the same set if the hashing bloat your system ... you can also simple set it to a lower max hash speed. (for the peeps who know what the do there is an option to close apex ... move your files ... edit the hashindex.xml and it wont rehash) A_Alias
128 kbit and 256 kbit are still used by lots of ISP's cant blame users that there isnt a better connection to them (or not can pay bigg cash for faster lines) 128 kbit will give like 14 kB/s and if you allowed those users to run at 10 kB/s the have some left to get email and brouwse the web and it keep thier line more stable if upload isnt maxed out. for users who have 512 kbit (54kB/s) who like todo torrents and direct connect at the same time 22kB for DC 22 kB for torrent keep em stable. some conections run way better if you limmit to use max 80% to 95% from your total upload power. beter a slower users that runs 24x7 than those who go away to work and get emails on thier PC's. for some peeps there is just the need to run more than only thier DC client. right now i have 768kbit (82kB/s) and i noticed how lower your capped how more there was the need to limmit the upload to keep the line working on my ADSL against cheats and leechers let upload limmits also limmit thier download speeds a smart thing is than to work with a table every upload limmiter setup below: 5 kB/s get max 1 times the value download speed 10 kB/s get max 2 times the value download speed 20 kB/s get max 2.5 times the value download speed 30 kB/s get max 3 times the value download speed 40 kB/s get max 3.5 times the value download speed 50 kB/s get max 4 times the value download speed 60 kB/s get max 5 times the value download speed 70 kB/s get max 6 times the value download speed 80 kB/s get max 7 times the value download speed and for higher levels unlimmited download speeds even if you do this ... netlimmiter can be used ... if the realy like to cheat there isnt a way to hold em away from it. A_Alias
MAking download from multiple sources even more smart
A_Alias replied to Pedja's topic in Feature Requests
think the like on top of the disconect slow users .... to keep the fastest one with higest priorety -
the BOLD NICKNAME works fine for me ... as op i get lots of PM's so i setup to use more rows for the tabs ( 6 to 10 ) most of the time ... it depands what screen resolution i can work with the hardware i use. if the font coller change is used i like it to be used for on and ofline users .... just my 2 cents ... afcourse it would be wild if it all can be done by settings so every one can easy mod the client the way it fits thier needs.
so far the spammer dont use self reg ... so most hubs have a way to block Private message's for unreged users. yn-hub ptokax shadow based hubs the all can run into semi publick mode ... user need to reg at the hub itself before the can use all functions like sending a PM. [edit] WHOOPS this item looks to be main chat spam and not PM [/edit] A_Alias
MAking download from multiple sources even more smart
A_Alias replied to Pedja's topic in Feature Requests
sigments seams to be splitted up in chunks from ONE MB ... so what i have seen on zion++ you only wait a few minutes more if you use a high setting for disconect slow users if there are multy sources. i dit not read it that way that its only for the last part from a file .... into the original post. A_Alias -
Cutting system resource useage on indexing share
A_Alias replied to Pedja's topic in Feature Requests
use the settings .... slower hashing thake less resources. did you setup ApexDC .... or just started to run it ???? A_Alias -
for what ?? to block the ones you dont like ????? some hub software have ugly futures like that ... let only users from a few (fast) isp on it ... but i dont think it should be a part from a client. ( into otherwords if you have an ugly ISP that make divrends to local and world wide transfairs ... create you own my_isp_is_sucks_hub and filter at hubsoftware who is allowed to use that hub) A_Alias
removing file from download queue using current download window
A_Alias replied to Pedja's topic in Feature Requests
wel the download queue isnt that hard ... in case your selected a full share list what happend with new users who dont read how things work but just click away , or if you downloading a directory with multy files ... Download queue is the place where you can simple see what you all have queued and what you like to delete. the only change that can be good is to have default settings that open the download queue at start up. its like learn how to drive a car ... only press that right pedle get the car moving but for good results they need to learn how to breake and thake those corners. A_Alias -
I use the LOG files if needed ... just aneble to log everything ... right click open log. but i remember indeed some client who have settings by advanced to turn off the auto scroll if you scrolled up yourself.. ( when you scrolled totaly down the auto scroll to latest message got activated again ) if i'm right it was BCDC++ but correct me if i'm wrong. A_Alias
MAking download from multiple sources even more smart
A_Alias replied to Pedja's topic in Feature Requests
there is a setting to remove conections if the are slow. (as i'm just start my test run i did not yet tested if it worked correct ) settings > adfanced > limmits A_Alias