Big Muscle

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Everything posted by Big Muscle

  1. ApexDC 1.0.1 bugs

    because NMDC protocol doesn't support utf8
  2. Downgrade from 1.01 to 0.40

    What about reporting bugs/crashes instead of saying "It's unstable". I have seen a lot of messages like "new version is ****", "it's very buggy" etc. in Czech mainchat, but none of these users weren't able to describe at least one thing which is bad in new version :)
  3. 100Mb/s is max download/upload speed :(

    how fast is your HDD?
  4. Windows Explorer Crashes

    it's not program bug... if it behaves as you described, it means you have some failed hardware/driver in your PC
  5. session = time since last restart
  6. 1 = file size of finished files 2 = bytes finished in current session 3 = all bytes transferred in current session
  7. if you mean that summary size is not equal to size in bottom right corner, it's because size in statusbar isn't summary size, but bytes transferred (and finished) in actual session
  8. it works, but it depends what remote side sends to you.
  9. user account control popping up when running 1.0.1

    Why can't you just disable that stupid UAC ? There was no UAC in Win3.11, Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2000 or WinXP and there was no problems, so why should there be a problem in Vista? Maybe because Vista is so dangerous and unsecure OS that it needs UAC? maybe, I have UAC disabled and no problem. If you still refuse to disable UAC, then stop asking question to solve your problem.
  10. Windows Explorer Crashes

    this looks like memory corruption.
  11. I don't think it will be ever fixed, because after examining I realized that this speed is 100% correct. It just doesn't display upload speed, but real speed of reading and upload the file.
  12. per upload slot speed

    so, it means that if you have upload 1 MB/s, you will limit everyone to 5 kB/s and OPs will get full speed :D
  13. "Shared Directories" get lost!

    Not existing folders are automatically removed from sharelist.
  14. Minimum Share Size?

    you must set it in your hubsoft
  15. "bad request, not supported!"

    the real way is to kick these users
  16. disable waiting time between searches

    because it would overload hub when there's many search request
  17. Frequent Crash

    uninstall application which uses msxq32.dll (I think it looks like a virus!)
  18. Temp Sharing

    Finished files are also shared (marked for partial file sharing) and maybe Apex saves list of finished downloads and loads it on next startup...
  19. DC Code?

    There's ADL Search in client where you can specify your criteria and mark it as Forbidden.
  20. stupid bug

    this issue will be fixed in new version of StrongDC++. When fast user finishes his job and there's no other chunk he could download, he will overlap other slow-running segment.
  21. [Support]Crash on Download Queue

    did you have many files (almost > 10000) in queue? If yes, it may take some time to build the window.
  22. Multi-Part? Download Issue

    as I know this is already included in Apex B5, build #360
  23. Using temporary sparse files (on NTFS)

    and what about to switch off antifrag downloading? This option has been there since year zero.
  24. hardware info display

    Why? what does it have to do with p2p ?
  25. Recompile client with StrongDC++ 2.11

    and my favorite answer to such question: "Why would you need it?" :)